Capture the Flag

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Everybody was playing capture the flag and Piper and Jason were in the forest running as fast as they could but Piper was a lot faster than Jason so she had to run slower but nothing was stopping her. Her hair was all over the place but she was as beautiful as every she had a very confident victorious look on her face like she had a good feeling they were gonna win then she heard something and she came to an immediate stop and she held her arm in front of Jason's chest and said "SHHH I hear someone." They stood there for about 5 more seconds and then they saw 2 campers coming their way she said,"Get down!" And she pulled Jason behind a bush. She was panting rapidly but she still seemed confident. A few minutes went by and the 2 people they heard were still there and then Piper looked up from the bush and saw Nico and Will making out. Then Piper ducked down again and said "Yeah, we'd better keep running."

Credits to: the person who I cannot find their name on the Headcanon.

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