Asking You Out

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Nico was sitting in the back of one of the Camp Half-Blood's vans, they were going to some party at Camp Jupiter. Why couldn't he just shadow travel? Well, that was Will's fault because apparently it "drained him," and he "needed his energy." So here he was sitting in the van blaring the band, My Chemical Romance, in his headphones. Will was sitting next to him and kept poking him. Nico glared at him, who did this sun boy think he was?!?! Will pulled one earphone out of Nico's ear, "Hey death boy can you stop listening to your emo music for a second so I can talk to you?!?!" Nico groaned, "What," Will smiled, "What's your favorite food?" Nico frowned, he thought Will was gonna just talk about his "health issues' or whatever. "I-I um I don't know?" Will rolled his eyes, "Nico, you make things so hard! Cant a guy just ask another guy out?!" Nico almost choked, "I-uh how did you know that I was -?" Will smirked,"Well, I guess you'll just have to find out."

Credits to: Percy_Posts IG

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