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"Nico," Will says, "Come sing with us." He grabs Nico by the arm and starts pulling him towards the campfire. Nico shakes him off and plants his feet. "I told you, I don't like singing." He says harshly. Will speaks again,"Now that's just unfair, we've never even heard you sing." He crosses his arms, determined. "But Will - " Nico gets cut off,"Just come one," Will grabs Nico by the shoulders and steers him towards the group of demigods circled around a fire, chanting songs and laughing with each other. "Sing!" Will yells at him over the crowd and Nico joins in reluctantly. To everyone's surprise, Nico's voice is the most beautiful one there. Everyone goes silent and Nico sings on his own for a moment, all eyes are on the son of Hades. He realizes nobody else is singing and stops. Applause erupts in the crowd and the corner of Nico's mouth twitches into a small smile. "Nico, why didn't you tell us you were such a good singer?" Piper speaks from the opposite side of the fire. Nico's cheeks flush red and he shrinks back "I-I didn't know," He tries to hide his face but he sees Will smiling through the spaces in between his fingers. 

Credits to: Percabethpossibilites IG

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