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During the battle between Grimmel and Berk, Hiccup and Astrid knew they had to tell each goodbye just in case either one didn't make it out alive in battle. Both of them were on one of ships before going back into battle. "Hiccup!" Astrid shouted, "Astrid!" Hiccup shouted, they both tried looking for each other but it wasn't easy since they was quite a lot of damage and fire around. A few minutes past until they finally saw each other. "Hiccup!" Astrid shouted running towards Hiccup, "Astrid!" Hiccup shouted running towards Astrid. They both went into a hug and smiled at each other. "Hiccup.. I need to say something" Astrid said, "Me too, but you go first" Hiccup said. Astrid smiled but knew she had to be quick because there was still a battle going on. "Hiccup.. last battle we had cost us to lose someone en credibly amazing, and am afraid that could happen this time as well. I just want you to know if anything happens to me, I want you to know I love you, I really do. Nothing would ever change that" Astrid said. Hiccup knew where she was coming from, last battle they had someone en credibly amazing was lost, but he really didn't want the same thing to happen this time, but he knew sometimes the greatest things in life can't last forever. "Astrid, I love you too more than anything, but your right sometimes the best things in life can't last forever. But I want you to know that if it's my time, there was no better way to spend it if it wasn't for you" Hiccup said. Astrid smiled a few tears in her eyes, Hiccup cupped Astrid cheeks and gave her a sweet and gentle kiss, Astrid was a bit surprised by the action but happily returned the kiss back. They both parted away from the kiss and kept staring into each other eyes, green meeting blue. There was still a battle going on so Hiccup knew what he had to do. "Astrid just in case something happens to me I want you to have this" Hiccup said taking a small box out of his pocket, Astrid gasp she knew what the box hold but she didn't know if she was ready. "I know you said you weren't ready but I can't die knowing that I didn't get a chance to ask you this, but Astrid will you marry me?" Hiccup said opening the small box revealing a beautiful gold ring, Astrid was speechless she didn't know what to say or do. "You don't have to say yes Astrid, I know it's early but I just can't die knowing that I didn't ask" Hiccup said. "Hiccup.. I don't know what to say, it's beautiful, I know I told you I was ready but I only said that because Gobber embarrass me in front of the gang and your mother, and I didn't want to get in the way of you and Toothless" Astrid said grabbing Hiccups hands in hers, "but, I would be honored to marry you". Hiccup smiled and gave the ring to Astrid, they both said there goodbyes and headed off to battle. The battle went on, everyone was against the trappers while there Chief was against Grimmel. While fighting with Grimmel, Hiccup knew he had to do something in order for his best friend to make it, so he did was he had too and let the Light Fury free so she could save his best friend, "Save Him" Hiccup told the Light Fury and let go of her so she could save toothless. Hiccup was falling, Grimmel holding on to his armor, Hiccup knew it was over for him but as long as his best friend was safe and he told everything he wanted to say to his love of his life he was happy. The Light Fury saved Toothless and the battle was over Grimmel was gone, everyone got off their dragons and cheered, not knowing were Hiccup was. Everyone had smiles on their face everyone but Valka, Astrid saw this and went towards her. "Valka, What wrongs" Astrid asked, "It's over Astrid, he's gone.." Valka said, "That's a good thing right, without Grimmel the dragons are safe, Hiccup would finally be happy, just like the rest of us" Astrid said, that's when she notice her boyfriend wasn't with them. "Valka, we're Hiccup?" Astrid asked, Valka shook her head with a sorrowful look on her face, "No no no... he can't be" Astrid said tears coming down her face, she didn't know what to do she just lost her love of her life, Valka went into hug her and comfort her it wasn't easy for her either she just lost her husband a year ago, and now her son, but she knew she had to stay strong for the ones she love, and know Astrid needs to do the same. "Astrid I know this is hard, trust me I know, but we need to stay strong for them" Valka told Astrid, she wiped a few tears away from her face, Astrid looked up and knew Valka was right even with Hiccup gone she still had to keep going, it would be hard but she knew that's what Hiccup would want her to do. "Thank you" Astrid told Valka, "Of course, we need to stick to each other for a while until the pain in our heart is gone" Valka said, they both hugged and let a few more tears out, everyone else knew the look it was the same look from a year ago when Stoick past away, everyone else also had tears, knowing that there Chief was now gone. After a while there was a funeral for their lost chief. Astrid took the bow and said her last words before setting her love away. "Hiccup... it's hard knowing I will never get to see you again. You were my friend, who later on became more to me, you were my laugh, my partner in battle, but mostly you were my love of my life, and that will never change." Astrid said looking at her ring finger looking at the beautiful ring Hiccup gave her. Astrid sighed knowing that it was just to good to be true, she turned back to finish her speech, "I know your in your rightful place now, but I hope you will never leave my side. Until we meet again in, Valhalla" Astrid said setting her arrow on fire, released it to Hiccup's ship, everyone else did the same including the dragons with their fire. After the ship was gone, Astrid knew she had to do something in order for the village and the dragons to be safe. "It's time everyone" Astrid said, everyone in the village was confused of what she was talking about, "Before all of this me and Hiccup found the hidden world. But we shouldn't belong there it's the place for dragons in order for them to be safe. So it's time for the dragons to go where they belong, so none of this can ever happen again" Astrid said, everyone knew she was right so they did what they had to do and let the dragons be free. Everyone in the village took off their dragons saddles and said their last goodbye to them. The Light Fury led the dragons to the hidden world, but Toothless stayed behind a bit longer. "It's okay Toothless, when the time is right we will all meet each other again." Astrid told Toothless. She sat down with Toothless besides her watching the sunset knowing that they weren't alone, Hiccup was watching the sunset with them in Valhalla.

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