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It was another beautiful morning on New Berk. Astrid decided to take Nuffink and Zephyr to the arena and teach them axe throwing skills but only Nuffink was participating. Zephyr kept drawing on her sketchbook the whole time drawing.
"Sweetie can you please listen to what am saying and participate." Astrid told Zephyr.
"Sorry mom, I was busy drawing." Zephyr told Astrid while leaving her sketchbook on the bench.
"It's alright, just pay attention." Astrid told Zephyr.
"What's so interesting about drawing? That's so boring." Nuffink told Zephyr while throwing the axe to the target.
"Great Job Finn." Astrid told Nuffink.
"I have you know that daddy loves drawing and he the one that taught me." Zephyr told Nuffink while throwing her axe at the target but missing.
"Well you miss the target again." Nuffink told Zephyr crossing his arms.
"I know I can see that, axe throwing just isn't for me." Zephyr told Nuffink.
"Well that's mom favorite thing to do and am really good at it which makes me mom's favorite." Nuffink told Zephyr while smirking.
"Oh really, well two can play that game am daddy's favorite since am better at drawing then you and that's his favorite thing to do." Zephyr told Nuffink.
"We will see about that." Nuffink told Zephyr while throwing his axe again. "Bullseyes." Nuffink said grabbing Zephyr sketchbook opening to a blank page. Zephyr grab her axe and threw it again and missed again.
"Ugh, this is to hard." Zephyr said.
"Sweetie do you need help?"asked Astrid.
"No thanks mom, I can do this on my own." Zephyr told Astrid.
"Alright if you need help just tell me." Astrid told Zephyr.
"Ok mom." "I will show Nuffink who mom and daddy's favorite just wait and see." Zephyr mumble to herself so no one else can hear.
"Alright kids, I be back am going to make lunch come home when your ready." Astrid told the kids while heading out the arena.
"Ok mom." both Zephyr and Nuffink said.
Zephyr kept trying to hit the target but kept missing. Nuffink kept trying to draw on Zephyr sketchbook but kept getting frustrated on how his drawing kept coming out.
"Give up Zephyr?" Nuffink asked Zephyr seeing how she was missing the target he thought she would give up by now.
"Not a chance Nuffink, am not letting you win. By the way how's your drawing going?" Zephyr asked Nuffink smirking.
"It's going well better than your axe throwing." Nuffink told Zephyr.
"How dare you, that's it the game is on!" Zephyr shouted.
"Fine with me!" Nuffink shouted.
Zephyr kept trying to throw the axe at the target but kept missing. Nuffink kept trying to draw but wasn't it wasn't coming out.
Astrid was at home waiting for the kids to arrive since it was getting late and by this time the food got cold.
"I wonder what taking them so long?" Astrid asked herself waiting at the table.
She was waiting there for a little while until she heard the doors open.
"Finally, what took you guys so long?" Astrid asked.
"What do you mean us M'lady? Hiccup asked while walking inside giving Astrid a kiss on the cheek.
"Oh sorry Hiccup, I just thought you were the kids they haven't come home yet." Astrid told Hiccup.
"Where are they?" Hiccup asked Astrid.
"Well I took them to teach them axe throwing skills but they still wanted to stay so I told them to come home once they were done and they haven't come back so am starting to get worry." Astrid told Hiccup.
"I think there fine, but we should go and check up on them." Hiccup told Astrid.
"Yeah I think that's a good idea, let's go." Astrid told Hiccup while grabbing his arm.
"Alright M'lady lets go."
Astrid and Hiccup headed to the arena and when they got there they saw Nuffink and Zephyr fighting and screaming at each other.
(Before Hiccup and Astrid arrived)
Zephyr and Nuffink got tired of trying to do something they weren't able to do and decided to take a break.
"I knew it you weren't going to be able to hit the target this is why am mom's favorite." Nuffink told Zephyr.
"Are not! Besides you haven't finish one single drawing the whole time we been here so that still makes me daddy's favorite." Zephyr told Nuffink.
"Am still Mom's favorite and am probably daddy's favorite too." Nuffink told Zephyr.
"Are not! Am both of their favorite." Zephyr and told Nuffink.
"Are Not!" Nuffink shouted.
"Am too!" Zephyr shouted.
"ARE NOT!" Nuffink shouted even louder.
"AM TOO!" Zephyr shouted even louder than Nuffink.
Zephyr and Nuffink kept screaming at each other until there parents arrived.
"What's going on here." asked Hiccup.
"Ask Nuffink he started it." Zephyr said facing the other way of Nuffink while crossing her arms.
"Did not! You started everything by saying you were daddy's favorite just because you can draw and I can't." Nuffink said crossing his arms as well.
"I said that after you said you were mom's favorite just because you were able to hit the target during Mom's lesson and I wasn't." Zephyr said.
"So you guys are fighting because you both think me and mommy have a favorite." Hiccup told Zephyr and Nuffink.
"Yeah, Daddy can you just tell Nuffink Am your favorite."Zephyr told Hiccup.
"And mommy can you tell Zephyr am your favorite." Nuffink told Astrid.
Astrid and Hiccup started chuckling when they both said that.
"What so funny?" Zephyr asked her mom and dad.
"Well sweetie come here, you too Nuffink." Astrid told both Nuffink and Zephyr.
"Me and Daddy were laughing because we don't have one favorite because both of you are our favorite." Astrid told Zephyr and Nuffink.
"Your mommy right we can't just choose one because we love you both equally." Hiccup said coming towards them.
"Oh, well then am sorry Nuffink I didn't mean to start a fight with you. Can you forgive me?" Zephyr asked Nuffink.
"Yeah but only if you forgive me." Nuffink told Zephyr.
"Deal." Said Zephyr opening her arms, Nuffink ran towards her as they both gave each other a hug as an apology.
"Well at least that settle." Astrid said.
"Yeah thanks to the best parent in the world." Hiccup said pointing at himself.
"Oh really, you think your the best parent, well I have to disagree with you on that." Astrid told Hiccup.
"Well we will see about that." Hiccup said.
"Game one." Astrid said.
Astrid and Hiccup started competing with each other to see who was the best parent.
"Here we go again." Zephyr and Nuffink said at the same time giggling at the sight of their parents competing against each other.

Author: This one shot is also on my instagram @httydragon_fanfics if you like to go and follow. Thanks again for the support. <3 y'all.

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