Left Out 1/5

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Zephyr was sitting on her bed waiting for her mom and dad to tuck her in. Zephyr was waiting for a few more minutes for her parents but they hadn't come yet. She decided to go and check were they were. She checked almost the whole house except her little brother Nuffink room. She decided to go ahead and open the door. When she open the door she saw her mother rocking her Nuffink with her eyes barley open and her father sitting next to her on the floor trying to stay awake to check up on her little brother and mom. Zephyr wanted her little dad and mom to tuck her in so she decided to ask her father.
"Daddy can you and mommy tuck me in?" Zephyr asked her very tired father.
"Not today Zephyr, Mommy and me are very tired." Hiccup told Zephyr.
"But... you guys always tuck me in." Zephyr told Hiccup.
"I know Zephyr, but not today. Am sorry Zephyr, but your brother well me and your mother have our hands full and are very tired." Hiccup told Zephyr.
"But..." Zephyr said about to cry.
"Come on  Zephyr go to bed I promise I'll tuck you in tomorrow." Hiccup told Zephyr yawning while talking.
"Ok... Goodnight Daddy." Zephyr said opening the door and heading to her room.
Zephyr made it to her room and decided to tuck herself in since nobody was. Zephyr couldn't sleep because all she could think of was her little brother replacing her and her parents forgetting her and stop loving her. Zephyr started crying of these thoughts but knew that her parents were asleep so they wouldn't hear her. The next day Zephyr woke up walking downstairs for breakfast but no one was there. Zephyr sighed at the sight of no one there she decided to go to her Grandma house since she knew that she was always be happy to see her. Zephyr went upstairs to look for her mom. Zephyr found her mom, once again she was rocking Nuffink.
"Mom if it's okay, can I go visit Grandma?" Zephyr asked Astrid.
"Of course honey, just be careful." Astrid told Zephyr.
"Ok mommy I will, I be back later." Zephyr said running outside to her Grandma house.
Zephyr made it to her Grandma house and knocked on the door waiting for an answer. Valka was home and opened the door revealing Zephyr with a frown on her face.
"Zephyr what a surprise to see you, what's with the frown?" Valka asked her granddaughter letting her in.
"Am just tired that's all. It's really good to see you Grandma." Zephyr said hugging Valka.
"Well it good to you too. But Zephyr I know something bothering you, can you please tell me what's wrong?" Valka asked.
"Well... it's just I feel like mom and dad are replacing me with Nuffink." Zephyr told Valka.
"Sweetie sit down." Valka told Zephyr pointing on the couch. "Your parents aren't replacing you it just your little brother needs more attention right now." Valka told Zephyr.
"I know, mom and dad tell me that. But it's just mom and dad seem to be forgetting about me more. They forgot about some of our very special times and other things... because of Nuffink." Zephyr told her Valka.
"Well just remember love, your parents will always and forever love you." Valka told Zephyr giving her a kiss on the head. "Now how about we have little grandma and granddaughter time?" Valka asked Zephyr.
Zephyr started cheering and with that Valka and Zephyr left Valka hut to spend a little time together. But the whole day Zephyr still kept thinking about her parents and if her parents still loved her.

Author: This is 5 parter one shot. Yeah I know that's not really a one hit but hey, it is pretty long put together. Hope you guys enjoy.

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