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Heather and Dagur came to visit everyone in New Berk. It was there first time coming since they did have to move ever since the dragons left. They arrived at the dock waiting for Hiccup and the gang. When they saw Hiccup and Astrid coming towards them there were surprised when they saw 2 smaller figures close to them.
"Oh My Thor, are these who I think they are." Heather said covering her mouth about to tear up. Astrid and Hiccup nodded and smiled at Heather.
"Daddy.. who are they?" Zephyr asked Hiccup.
"Zephyr, this is your Auntie Heather and Uncle Dagur from Berserker Island." Hiccup said holding Zephyr hand.
"Oh... it's nice to meet you guys." Zephyr said smiling letting her hand out for them to shake but still hiding behind her dad.
"It's an Honor to to meet you, Zephyr right?" Heather asked. Zephyr nodded she then shook Dagur hand.
"Well it's was amazing to meet you Zephyr, but what your little brother name?" Dagur asked.
"Nuffink." Zephyr said. Heather and Dagur laughed thinking she was joking around.
"What's so funny?" Zephyr asked.
"You were joking about your little brother name weren't you." Dagur said. Zephyr shocked her head.
"Your kidding right?" Heather said looking at Astrid and Hiccup.
"It's a long story, let's just say Hiccup name him." Astrid said. Hiccup looked at her and started laughing.
"You were part of this to Astrid you agreed." Hiccup said.
"Only because you won." Astrid said smirking at Hiccup. Hiccup knew she was right so didn't bother saying another word.
"Well anyways, were are the rest of the gang?" Heather asked.
"Ruffnut is probably with Fishlegs, Snotlout is probably out working, and Tuffnut is goofy around somewhere." Hiccup explained.
"Ruffnut and Fishlegs?" Dagur asked.
The Haddock family nodded their heads.
"They been together for years." Astrid said.
Dagur smiled but his smile faded when he saw Heather trying to smile, he knew it was going to be hard for her knowing that Fishlegs moved on. He then gave Heather a side hug to show that he was there for her. Everyone headed to go and meet the rest of the gang.
"I believe Tuffnut should be around here." Hiccup said. He was right Tuffnut was there sitting down alone.
"UNCLE TUFFNUT!" Zephyr and Nuffink shouted running towards Tuffnut.
"Hey guys, what are you doing here?" Tuffnut asked.
"We came looking for you, Auntie Heather and Uncle Dagur came to visit." Zephyr said.
Everyone walked in seeing Tuffnut and the kids with him.
"Hey Tuffnut, good to see you again." Heather and Dagur said.
"Good to see you both again." Tuffnut said.
"Why are you here alone?" Astrid asked.
"Well you guys are all busy, you have Hiccup, Snotlout has himself, and Fishlegs has Ruffnut.." Tuffnut said.
"You feel left out?" Heather asked.
"Yeah I mean me and Ruffnut did everything together but now that she and Fishlegs are together and- " Tuffnut didn't finish his sentence because the door opened revealing someone.
"UNCLE TUFFNUT!" Turid exclaimed running towards Tuffnut.
"Turid, what are you doing here, is something wrong?" Tuffnut asked Turid.
"Nope everything fine it's just mommy has something to tell you and she told me to tell you." Turid said. Tuffnut nodded and headed out with Turid.
"Who was that?" Dagur asked.
"That's Turid, my best friend." Zephyr said.
"She also Uncle Fishlegs and Auntie Ruffnut daughter." Nuffink said.
"Oh.. they got married?" Heather asked.
"Yeah a few months after me and Astrid." Hiccup said. Dagur and Heather smiled even if it hurt Heather a bit but she was really happy that they were happy.
They all went to go look for Snotlout they greeted him and he decided to follow them to go see Ruffnut and Fishlegs. When they got there only Fishlegs and Turid were there.
"Hey Fishlegs." Dagur and Heather said.
"Heather, Dagur! so good to you both." Fishlegs said.
"So good to see you too, but were Ruffnut?" Heather asked.
"She went outside to talk to Tuffnut about something." Fishlegs said. Everyone decided to wait for her it was a while before they came inside.
(Ruffnut and Tuffnut conversation)
"So sis, what is it you wanted to talk about?" Tuffnut asked.
"I need to tell you something that I haven't told anyone else yet about." Ruffnut said.
"Okay what is it?" Tuffnut asked.
"You promise you will be here for me?" Ruffnut asked.
"Sis, you know even if you with your new family more, I will always be here for you no matter what. Like we said before were stronger together as brother and sister." Tuffnut said.
"I know I can always count on you bro." Ruffnut said. They smiled at each other.
"So what is it you need to tell me?" Tuffnut asked.
"Am... pregnant." Ruffnut said.
"You are? Have you told Fishlegs yet?" Tuffnut asked. Ruffnut shocked her head. "Well you have to tell him and Turid." Tuffnut said.
"I know but what if it's to much for him?" Ruffnut asked.
"Fishlegs isn't liked that but if it makes you feel better I help you anyway possible, I can take care of Turid more often." Tuffnut said.
"Thank you Tuff, you are the best brother a sister could ever have." Ruffnut said.
"I know, now come on let's go tell the rest." Tuffnut said.
(Back to everyone else)
Ruffnut and Tuffnut came in, Ruffnut was a nervous reck. But with her brother support she was able to tell the news to everyone. Everyone was happy for Her and Fishlegs. Nuffink was happy but then frowned. Zephyr saw this and went to her little brother.
"Hey Nuff, what's wrong?" Zephyr asked.
"Would this ever happen to us?" Nuffink asked.
"What do you mean?" Zephyr asked.
"Will you ever leave me because you will have a new family?" Nuffink asked.
"Someday, but not until a few more years, but remember Nuffink nothing will ever separate us. Like Auntie Ruffnut and Uncle Tuffnut told us we're stronger together as brother and sister." Zephyr told Nuffink.
They were right no matter what happens they will always have someone whether its their soulmate or sibling.

Author: Happy National Siblings Day!

Httyd One Shots जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें