Left Out 5/5

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"Mom, Dad, what are you guys doing here?" Zephyr asked her parents.
"We here to talk to you, and apologize." Hiccup told her sitting next to her. Zephyr got up and walked away from her dad.
"There nothing to talk about, clearly you guys love Nuffink more than me." Zephyr said.
"Sweetie what are you talking about?" Astrid asked.
"Don't play dumb with me, you guys know exactly what am talking about." Zephyr said not facing her parents.
"Sweetheart, we don't know what your talking about. Did we do something wrong?" Hiccup asked Zephyr.
"You guys.. didn't read my letter?" Zephyr asked.
"What letter?" Astrid asked.
"The letter I left on the living room desk." Zephyr said.
"Sweetheart, we never saw the letter." Hiccup said.
"You didn't.." Zephyr said.
"No, we didn't because we left quickly looking for you." Hiccup said.
"Well it doesn't matter anyways, just like I don't matter." Zephyr said wiping her tears away.
"Sweetheart what makes you think you don't matter, you matter so much to us." Hiccup said.
"If I matter, you would play with me, make time for me. But you guys are always busy with Nuffink. It's seems you guys don't care about me." Zephyr said starting to cry even more.
This broke Hiccup and Astrid hearts, they never wanted to make Zephyr left out, they never wanted to make her feel like she wasn't loved.
"Sweetheart, you know me and your mother love you so much, but you need to understand that your little brother needs a bit more attention right now. But we never want to make you feel left out." Hiccup told Zephyr.
Zephyr looked at her father and mother faces and saw how sorry they felt. But she wanted to make sure that her parents loved her so she decided to ask.
"Mom, Dad, do you still love me still?" Zephyr asked.
"Of course we do, we don't know what we do without you." Astrid told her.
Zephyr started crying and headed towards her parents. "Am sorry.." Zephyr said while crying.
"Sweetie you don't have to be sorry, we understand you felt left out. But why didn't you just tell us how you felt?" Astrid asked.
"I tried, but every time I tried you and dad were always busy." Zephyr said.
"We're sorry, we never meant to make you feel left out." Astrid said.
"Your mother right, were truly sorry." Hiccup said.
"Thank you, for always cheering me up, and for always being here for me." Zephyr said.
"Of course, we will always be here for you." Astrid told Zephyr hugging her. Hiccup saw them hugging and decided to join in. They hugged each other.
"Well.. we haven't had time for all three of us anymore, maybe we can have a whole day for us three tomorrow while your Auntie Ruffnut takes care of Nuffink. How does that sound?" Hiccup asked Zephyr.
"That's sound amazing." Zephyr said.
Astrid sighed and look at Zephyr.
"Sweetie, can you tell me what happen between you and Turid?" Astrid asked Zephyr.
"What do you mean mom?" Zephyr asked looking at her mother and father.
Astrid showed her Turid necklace and gave it to her. "She told me to tell you that she was truly sorry, and she left the necklace with me to give to you, and headed home crying." Astrid told Zephyr.
Zephyr grabbed the necklace and remembered how rude she was to Turid and how she blamed her for her parents finding her when all she wanted was to help her.
"Mom I need to apologize to Turid. I don't want to lose my best friend." Zephyr told her mom.
Astrid nodded her head and all three of them headed towards Ruffnut house. Astrid knocked on the door. Fishlegs open the door.
"Hey guys, Nuffink asleep right now." Fishlegs said. "I see you guys found Zephyr." Fishlegs told them.
"Yes Uncle Fishlegs, do you know if Turid in her room?" Zephyr asked.
"She is, but she been in there for a while, something really upset her." Fishlegs said.
"Can I talk to her, I think I can help." Zephyr said.
Fishlegs let them right in as Zephyr headed towards Turid room. Zephyr heard crying from the room and knew that aturdo was crying.
"Turid can I come in?" Zephyr asked.
"Go away.. I just want to be left alone." Turid said.
"Please, I want to apologize. I know all you wanted to do was help me. But I decided to get mad for you telling my parents were I was, Am sorry." Zephyr said.
Turid opened the door and hugged Zephyr tightly. "Don't ever do that to me again, I never want to lose my best friend." Turid said.
"I know, and you never will." Zephyr said.
"You will never lose your best friend either." Turid said.
Zephyr handed Turid her necklace back and hugged her tighter.
"You will always be my best friend, even if we fight." Zephyr said.
"And you will be mine." Turid said.
They smiled at each other. Zephyr knew if she ever felt left out again she could always count on Turid to cheer her up.

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