We got a Dog!

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There was a small, puppy in our living room. Which my partner Anthony had brought home. It was a little golden retriever husky mix. I could tell because of its eyes and the way his coat matched that of a husky but kept the face shape and color of a golden retriever. It jumped up with its little front paws at my legs and I picked him up. I was so excited to have finally gotten myself a puppy. We have both always wanted one.

In our complex, we aren't allowed to have any animals unless it's a fish or a bird

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In our complex, we aren't allowed to have any animals unless it's a fish or a bird. Immediately I realized we would have to take him out for walks and we would get caught by neighbors with having a dog. Anthony reassured me that we can do it at night or when not many people are home.

We agreed to it, and by the time we had put the puppy back down on the ground. It seemed to have aged up a bit, not into a full sized dog yet but not as small as it once was. It ran out the back door of our complex, and I remember my heart racing as I chased after him. Aggressively, in a hushed tone, I yelled for my dog to come back. I chased it along the fence that was the edge of our tiny back yard. The dog soon was running into the playground area of our complex, and thankfully no kids were around. We didn't see any people. Then I woke up.


This dream was very short and it wasn't as vivid as my others, which is why I didn't put as much detail into it. I feel like this was one of my more innocent dreams about really always wanting to get a dog. We aren't allowed to have one because of our apartment rules but we always said we would move somewhere where we can have one. The mix of the dog was definitely influenced by our favorite dog breeds.

Of course, there's some darkness in all my dreams that I delve into with little shame for what they mean. I think the whole chasing aspect, or sneaking around behind the landlord's back is a metaphor for something else. I don't know exactly what. The day before, I was helping my co-worker take one of our old tables to her car after work and the whole time I was worried of security thinking we were stealing when we had permission to take them. It was a weird feeling. Of course, maybe that subconsciously stayed in my head for the dream to conjure it.

Most likely I think it was just a cute, nice dream. One I wish would happen for real without any rules holding us back. Maybe one day.

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