Lazy Ocean

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     It was definitely early morning, because I remember the light from outside shining through the window. Inside was pretty dark, not really knowing what the room I was in looked like, but I knew it was my parents living room. I was sitting on the floor criss cross with pajamas on. 

     My mom warned me not to go outside because of the blizzard that was going on outside, mind you we live in Georgia. I got up to look out the small window on our front door, standing on my toes to look through it, and squint my eyes. The snow reflecting the light made outside seem so much more bright.

     I see my grandfathers car pull into the drive-way. My whole family worried as I open the front door. My mother, father, and I stormed outside, and carefully walked down the front porch steps to greet my grandfather. Although there was a blizzard going on, and I was barefoot, I didn't feel cold. I remember giving my grandpa a hug and asked him how he drove to our house without getting into an accident. He didn't give me an answer and just kept laughing as he hugged me. He let go and we all walked inside.

     Once we all went inside, I looked out the front window again and saw a bunch of neighborhood kids riding their bikes around on the road

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     Once we all went inside, I looked out the front window again and saw a bunch of neighborhood kids riding their bikes around on the road. The snow stopped coming down, but it was still stuck to the ground. I walked outside once more, this time already properly dressed for the weather. I run down the street to one dead end where all the different types of bikes were. All shapes and sizes and colors, even some tricycles and big wheels. The neighborhood was a small circle. it actually looked like a giant Q with the tail of the letter being the dead end. There was no way out of it. 

     When I got to the other kids, and looked at all the bike options they had, they laughed at me and told me I couldn't ride one of their bikes. I would need my own. I remember being sad and running back to my house, where my mom, dad, and grandpa were. They all had been sitting in white lawn chairs on the front lawn.

     I told them what happened and they said to go ask again. So I did.

     Walking back over, I felt different. I didn't bother asking them this time when I went over, and grabbed one of the bikes. One kid, he seemed young, had short brown hair and a green coat, seemed friendly and we rode bikes together. We went around the neighborhood once, and things started to change.

     The neighborhood kids disappeared, as well as the snow. My bike disappeared as well and when I looked down, I was standing in waist deep water. It was clear and you could see your feet at the bottom. The road had turned into a sort of lazy river. the bottom of the floor being blue. 


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