Old Town Kidnapping

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     I am in a small, dingy room, mold spores covering the ceiling and the wooden walls showing signs of rotting. The one small, cracked window letting a bright yellow light illuminate the room. I could see the dust particles through the beam and noticed there was a door. 

     I tried to get up, but I couldn't. My ankles were tied up. I looked down at myself, and noticed I was naked, and a girl. I had my arms free, but my wrists looked bruised and cut, from possible confinements earlier. I tugged on the small rope around my ankles and managed to get free from it, I still had on a red bandanna that my teeth were biting on to. It was tied around my head I guess to keep me quiet. 

     I hear shuffling outside the room and look over at the old, stained white door. It opens with booming laughter behind it. A couple walk in, they had an Amish vibe to them, dressed old and dusty looking clothes. The male had a long, dark beard and the lady had a white bonnet on. 

     I began to panic as the man grabbed me and pulled me to my feet, walking me over to an old looking bed. I knew what the intentions were, he was going to try and rape me. In my mind, he had already done it before, I must have been here a while.

     The woman encourages it, smiling at the fear I had plastered on my face. 

     Next thing I remember is me running away from them throughout the house, but this time, I wasn't the girl anymore. I don't know who exactly I was, but I was helping her, running behind her and pushing her into one of the doors, closing it quietly to try and escape the Amish abductors.

     The room we were in was a bathroom, It gave off the grey'ish blue tint throughout the room, it also wasn't very clean. I stand close to the door, and pull the girl in front of me, being prepared. If the door opened, we would be behind it.

    My hand went around her abdomen and my other one went over her mouth to stop making her breathing so loud. She was still crying and freaking out. The moment the door opened, I held my breath and my hand more forcefully covered her mouth. 

     He walks in anyways and sees both of us. With adrenaline running through me, I move from behind the girl and shove at the man, making him fall into his bathtub. We didn't know where his wife was but we didn't care. The girl and I both dashed out of the room and towards what we assumed to be the front door. 

     With swift motion, we open it and run outside. The girl disappeared and I instantly forgot about her. I looked around and I noticed this town was very old looking. As if it were a western town in the desert. The buildings had a smokey dark wood color to them, and lots of old dressed people walking around. 

     I felt in my pockets as I walked away, realizing I must have left my phone back there. I decided "screw it" and figured I wouldn't get it back. 

     For some reason the couple had a dog that I remembered being outside in an old dog house. At this point I already left, but the next thing I remembered was driving back in a nice, new car. I parked it outside the kidnappers house and had a present for the dog. The couple come out and this time didn't scare me. They were actually friendly, and I was friendly back. The present I had for the dog (which I still never saw it, but in my head I knew they had one) was a large pink dog bed. The dog bead looked like a square shaped neck pillow that someone would use on a plane. The man took it and thanked me for it... that's it.


This dream is probably the hardest for me to figure out what it means, but here we go.

     I don't think this dream has any real deep meaning to it. I typically have nightmares that make no sense and to be honest, this didn't feel like a nightmare. Even though I seemed scared, it was as if I was acting. 

     The scenario of a girl having sex with a married man with the wife watching could be me currently watching "The Handmaid's Tale" because that exact scenario happens, especially with the couple dressing older. 

     No one in my dream looked familiar, not even the girl that I was for the majority of the dream, so I can't say they are people from my past, unless I didn't pay too much attention to anyone's features. 

     I have never went to any old town, or western themed places but I have posed for family pictures with a western theme when I was little. I don't think that this has anything to do with the scenery of my dream though. The house I was inside didn't remind me of any house I've been in but I also got "The Hills Have Eyes" impressions, with the state the house was in and the way the town looked outside. 

     This was just another nightmare, nothing special.

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