Controlling the Monsters

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I was standing in a very old, creepy hallway. It was pitch black outside when the lightning wasn't striking. The only sounds I could hear were the sound of heavy rainfall outside. I was standing at the end of the hall, which had a dingy, grimy looking window on the wall. It led to the front of the house. I was on the top floor of the mansion. Light in the hall was very dim and I couldn't see where it was exactly coming from. There were no light bulbs in the ceiling but maybe there were candles around the corners of the hall. 

The hall was shaped like the letter T. I was at the bottom of the T shaped hall, with two possible directions leading towards the other end. The hallway was clearly unkempt. The wallpaper peeling and showing signs of mold. The hardwood floor stained with who-knows-what. The only furniture in the hall was a small white table, the white paint chipping off the thin supporting legs. With an odd potted plant sitting on top of it. The plant was small and looked alive which was weird since the rest of the house looked to have been abandoned.

I saw a figure walk from the left end of the hall to the right, it was a silhouette so I couldn't exactly make out what it was, besides it having a human shape to it

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I saw a figure walk from the left end of the hall to the right, it was a silhouette so I couldn't exactly make out what it was, besides it having a human shape to it. At this point, I was thinking that this was stupid and decided to see how many figures I could see. With some sort of force, I was able to see more silhouettes walking from the left to the right, in a line. Each of them looked slightly different from the last. Some figures were standing on all fours and others had way longer arms or were larger in size. 

It was as if I knew I was dreaming, but I still didn't know I was in a dream.

At this point, the last silhouette stopped in the middle instead of continuing with the rest of the others. It clearly turned to face me, and I still couldn't see who it was even though it looked like a regular person. It started to walk towards me with average speed. I remember beginning to worry since it didn't do what the rest of the figures did. I turned to the window and... I woke up.


So I haven't written in a while here. That's not because I haven't had weird dreams, I just haven't had the motivation to write for months. This particular dream didn't spark it in me to write it out, I was just in the mood to. 

I have a feeling that this dream had a lot to do with the Goosebumps episode I watched the day before, called "The House of No Return." It's about these kids that go into a haunted mansion and it's haunted by a couple that wants to keep the children, they end up achieving that and keeping three of them (Sorry for the spoiler.)The mansion definitely had to come from that episode. 

The plant that was healthy and alive surrounded by an abandoned, dirty hallway still makes me question what it's supposed to mean. I think that maybe a lot of terrible things have happened to me recently, or maybe not to me specifically, but to those around me. Three of my friends had all unfortunately lost someone close to them all within a span of one week. My partner didn't get the job that they wanted, and my sister and niece had moved away to a different state than the one I currently live in. Maybe I resemble the plant in the sense that I feel like everyone around me is suffering and I myself am still holding up.

The silhouettes I can't exactly put my mind on, they all looked different from one another, except for the first one and the last one, the one that walked towards me. It looked like a regular human. I was able to control them all except the one. Maybe I feel like I'm doing some bad in the world and think I can get away with it, but sooner or later it's gonna bite me in the butt or catch up with me. It worries me. Then again, it could've just been a weird dream.

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