I'm Not a Salesman

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     It was like any other day for me, mid-day shift at my retail job, The Children's Place. I work there as a regular store associate, the store geared to selling clothes to kids. I got out of my car, noticed a bunch of other cars parked around me. The store is located in an outlet mall so it is often packed with people.

     I walk across the light colored concrete and pass by a bunch of foreigners, all dressed differently. Some with hijabs and some without. I pay no mind to them as I normally do and pull the front door open, being greeted with a soft 'ding'. I had my lunch box with me as well, and a water bottle. 

     My boss, the store manager smiles at me when I walk in, and I get a quick look around at the state the store was in

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     My boss, the store manager smiles at me when I walk in, and I get a quick look around at the state the store was in. It was obviously a mess with kids and parents shuffling between each other to grab at whatever deals they can get. My manager was standing next to a table of shirts that are supposed to be folded, but instead look more like a laundry mat pile. 

     My stores co-manager, Tonya, is in the middle of the store where the registers are, and darts her eyes at me quickly. Before I even get the chance to say "hi" she yells across the store to me saying "You better get a credit card today, Vincent." 

     That made me frown, and with that, she turned and walked towards the other side of the store... that's it.


     So, this dream was a bit of a short one but I vividly remember it for some reason so I must right it down!

     So, with it starting out with me getting out of my car on a mid-day shift, it could just be my representation of what I do almost every day. I used to often dream about work and how terrible it was when I started and it used to be because of the amount of work I was doing and the lack of free time I had to myself, I think this dream is no different.

     Seeing foreigners is something typical where I work, it's considered a tourist mall and it's where all the cheapo's from all over the state love to drive and buy onesies for 99 cents.

     The thing about me walking in, and noticing it being a mess indicated that I might feel a bit jumbled up about some problems I may be facing and just don't know how to handle them. But it could just also represent my view on the store's condition and where I think it is going to be headed. 

     Seeing my store manager smile at me was oddly comforting even though in real life, I dislike her. I feel she is unfit to be in the position she is in and is often an annoyance. So I am not sure why she smiled at me, but maybe the co-manager speaking to me about something instead of her makes her out to be an inferior person.

     The co-manager who yelled at me, normally is one that I enjoy working with... most of the time. As of right now, she had been working there for over a decade and is just now leaving, her last day will be in 3 days. She is always on top of everyone because her boss, the store manager, doesn't know how to lead. 

     Her yelling at me about getting a credit card today bummed me out because it is something we have to do at work. Being a store worker in most retail places require some sort of salesman material as well. When I applied for this job, I was not aware I would have to harass every customer into getting a credit card with the store, and if they know they wont be approved, continue trying to get them to sign up even if it ruins their credit score even more.

     The whole idea of me needing to get a credit card is due to me constantly thinking that is all I am to this company, i'm not important and I don't have a voice, all I need to do is get a credit card every day. Multiple would be even better. It doesn't matter if I clean the store well, or work on shipment quickly, if I don't get a credit card, I get in trouble. If every single customer doesn't want to get a card that day, it's my fault... not theirs.

     I have these dreams all the time.

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