Educational Drought

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     It was a very bright, sunny day this day. As far as I remember, not a cloud in the sky, or any sign of bad weather. It gave me a safe feeling as I went outside with all the other kids for what seemed like a 'field day.' A field day is towards the end of the school year where kids celebrate passing class and going into summer by having fun with their school mates outside.

     All the kids must have been in elementary school, they seemed like they were probably eleven years old. I was there as well but to be honest, I didn't feel like I was their age. I could have been my regular twenty year old self. 

So, it started out with all of us playing baseball/kickball. It was a bit weird because sometimes they'd ask you to pick up a bat and sometimes they rolled a red ball to you instead. The first time I went up, it was to hit with a bat, and I was not able to. The brown bat was a bit bent out of shape.

     The second time around, I was able to kick a ball instead

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     The second time around, I was able to kick a ball instead. For some reason I was feeling a bit dizzy though. Someone suggested I should get some water but I wanted to play. I try kicking the ball, and even though I felt like I could really do it, my body just wasn't working. The ball barely rolled 2 feet in front of me when I kicked it and they immediately grabbed the ball and threw it at me to get me out.

     One of the kids on the other team, he had short brown hair and glasses on, and he was very feminine, started to harass our team for not doing well. A girl on my team, who was with a group of other girls was getting defensive and told her group to go inside with her instead of playing this game. 

     I followed her with a bunch of my other team mates and when we went inside, someone said they were thirsty. The hallway reminded me of a hospital hall, with the upper half of the walls being mint green and the lower being white. It was very crowded in the hall and we heard someone shout "There's no water!"

     I didn't freak out, we could all just leave and go home then, but no one could leave, the crowd was getting scared and worried

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     I didn't freak out, we could all just leave and go home then, but no one could leave, the crowd was getting scared and worried. Kids started trampling over one another and... that's it.


     So this one is going to be a bit harder for me because I couldn't remember every single thing that happened. I was able to piece this all together though. So, lets start from the beginning.

     I think that the idea that I was back in elementary school, but felt my age might indicate maybe back then not feeling like I was part of the crowd. Or maybe that I always felt way smarter than other kids in elementary school (by the way, that changed getting older). 

     It being a nice day out just sort of bringing back memories as a kid, having fun at field day. 

     The baseball and kickball aspect are also memories. I used to play baseball as a kid, and I used to be so good at it, but I ended up quitting it after a year cause I got hit in the head with a baseball. The kickball stuff was from playing it every day at recess in school. I loved doing that too.

     The baseball bat being bent is a bit tricky, I think it might be the fact that no one suggested we get a new bat... or maybe that was the only bat they had. Anyways, I think it could indicate fair play and how I felt when I was younger, I was always quick to blame someone or something for my poor actions, hence not being able to hit the ball cause the bat is bent.

     Me feeling dizzy during my second go at the plate was foreshadowing the whole water situation, but I think it could have also been another reason for me to blame something on my actions since I could barely kick the ball.

     The kid that harassed our team seemed familiar, but I never met anyone like him as a kid. I'm not sure if he is supposed to resemble anyone as an adult but to me he resembles the bullying I received in school. The girl and her group reminds me of the friends I had in school growing up, all up to high school graduation. I was always friends with the girls and they always had my back. 

     When we all went inside into the hospital styled hall, it gave me an uneasy feeling. This was where the bad news happened and hospitals (typically) don't mean anything friendly. When we found out there was no water and we couldn't leave, I thought we were all going to die in here. The kids screaming and freaking out could be because I always hear about school shootings or some sort of huge problem that causes kids to die in a school. I think about how unsafe public schools are now and maybe that was just me putting myself into one of those situations. 

     This one might also be a stretch, on the water theory, but recently my partner had told me that social security benefits aren't going to help our generation once we retire at an old age like it will for our parents and grandparents. He said it was because of the 'baby boomers' decade. Maybe the water resembles money and all the kids represent my generation, freaking out and getting mad. Me as well.

     I don't really know, this dream was weird.

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