A few moments later, a real sigh was made as a boy sat down. I turned to face him, and everything seemed to slow down like it does in those cliché movies. He. Was. Gorgeous.

     I immediately mentally scolded myself for thinking such a thing, for acting like the girl with the makeup next to me would have. It's not like I ever had a single chance with boy as pretty as that. Heck, he was prettier than I was and I was the girl!

     He had that chiseled face that belonged in a magazine or a movie, with perfectly styled dirty-blonde hair that led into a small point on his head, and with blue eyes that were as vivid as the sea. The same eyes that were currently staring into mine.

     Holy crap. Ok, act cool. Act cool.

     I can't do this! I can't do this! I'm not cool at all; why would I be able to talk to someone as perfect as him?

     A few more awkward seconds passed by before his gaze turned away and I was left staring at empty space. He was wearing an outfit that would only be seen on a preppy boy. The white pullover jacket that had only a small zipper up near his neck, which I might add was pulled all the way down, and a polo that was on underneath. I spotted the small horse on his jacket, meaning that he could have only bought that from one brand. Ralph Lauren.

     On his legs, he was clad in dark jeans that complemented his tan skin, and on his feet I noticed he had tan loafers. A dull thud onto the ground made my attention sway from his body to the large black athletic bag that hit the floor beside him, carelessly. Like any other jock that attended school here in this football obsessed town.

     His gaze swept over mine for the briefest of instances, but then I looked over to see that he was looking straight through me and instead at the girl applying makeup behind me. I mentally sighed and looked at the computer before me.

     "Hello, class," Mr. Nelson said drearily from the front of the classroom. "Welcome to the second semester of fun." The way he said fun made me only think of the opposite, however.

     "More like welcome to the second semester of hell," said Vance next to me. I turned to glare at him for saying such a thing.

     "It's true," he said when he saw my glare. I just rolled my eyes and turned around.

     Mr. Nelson walked up to the front of the class and said just a sentence. "Today we are just going to be brainstorming ideas for your first project of the new semester."

     Mr. Nelson passed out our first assignment. I snatched up the one that he handed me. Vance just took his and stared blandly at it.

     "Yup. Looks like I was right. This semester is going to be torture."

     I glanced down to see the paper that he had passed out. It was another project that required a partner, but I was not going to let Vance get an easy A and make me pull all of his weight, no matter how good looking he was.

     "I'm not doing this all by myself," I said sternly.

     "That's what you think."

     "Exactly," I replied snarkily.

     "Have any ideas over this?" Vance asked me. I looked over at him to see that he was completely ignoring me, and was flipping through his phone.

     "Maybe we could have a naked unicorn that likes to eat music notes while wearing the Sorting Hat. Sounds like a good one to me," I said, and he blandly nodded, not at all paying attention to me.

     "Yeah, sure. Whatever gets us an A."

     "So we're doing a music note eating naked unicorn that wears the Sorting Hat as it prances around, then? How peachy. Best in class, right there."

     "Can you be quiet?" he asked rudely.

     "Did you seriously just ask me that?"

     He rolled his eyes. "Get some friends, loser. I don't want people thinking that I actually talk to people like you."

     I saw a banner pop up on the screen of his phone. It had the message emblem on it, along with the name Mark and a sample of the message. I couldn't help but subtlety lean over and read the message that was so important he would blow me off.

     What are you doing over there? Who's that chick talking to you? I read. I didn't care if he knew I was reading, for he wasn't paying any attention to me at all.

     Just some skank I read as I watched him type it.

     Wow. Creative, aren't you?

     I reached over and typed yousuck into the slot that asked for his username. I can play hardball too, buddy.

     He didn't seem to notice, but when he finally looked up at his screen surprise flashed upon his face but was soon replaced by a small smirk. He didn't say anything and neither did I. He simply erased the message and went back to ignoring me. Only one thought was able to be processed in my brain during that stretch of time for the rest of class.

     This is going to be a long semester.


Author's Note: Hey, lovely people of Wattpad! So this is my first story that isn't a fanfic and I hope it lived up to your standards! I know it seems really cheesy but I promise it's not. It would mean alot to me if you read on! But, if you did like this, VOTE/COMMENT/ FAN! Over to the side is an extra cover that I made, too, and the trailer. Anyway, have a lovely day and get voting! :)

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