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{Yo soy la princesa, comprende mis white lines.}


Trisha sits in front of the desk, crossed legs and arms next to her body. Painted nails and delineated eyes.

If it wasn’t by her features, Mr. Payne would say she isn’t Zayn’s mother. Trisha seems like a very confident woman, really caring about her image and a nice mom.

Liam sighs, looking down at the papers the director of the school has in the desk. He bits his bottom lip and looks directly at the woman before him.

-Well… first of all, thank you for coming here, I’m Liam Payne, one of your son’s professors. –Liam smiles gently and so does her.

-Trisha Malik, nice to meet you.-she nods in approval signal.

-You must be proud of your son…-Liam haven’t planned anything in reality, he was improvising.

-I’m really am, yes.-She says with a big smile and the man can see the twinkle in her eyes. But, there was something mysterious too, something… was she nervous?

-Zayn has always been an excellent student and a very, very smart lad… but…-Liam stops, he didn’t know how to say it, how to explain that fear he had seen in Zayn’s honey eyes, that terrified look that will stuck in his mind forever, to his mother. He knew something was wrong with him, he could feel it but he didn’t know how to figure what is happening to him.-...I know he always gets a bit distracted in class, and that’s normal for his age but… now I have seen him really out of everything, he doesn’t do his homework everyday like he used to, his high and salient grades now are average, between other things I have seen…-The professor take a breathe and blinks once.- I would lie if I wouldn’t say I’m a little worried about him.

-Thank you for telling me this, I come from work at six in the afternoon, sometimes I can talk to Zayn, he waits for me and sometimes I feel really…-the woman looks down and shakes her head a little.-…really bad because I don’t see him much, I would love to wait him with an afternoon snack. Unfortunately I often come home to see that he has fallen sleep in the kitchen table waiting for me. It hurts but, he comes tired so I let him.-She finishes the explaining and let a heavy sigh leaves her mouth.

-Oh that’s very cute from him.-Liam refers to Zayn waiting for his mother and falling sleep before she appears at home, and he laughs.

-Yeah, he always cares about his family a lot, especially his sisters.-that was something Mr. Payne wasn’t aware of. Zayn had sisters.

-Sisters? Wow, that sounds like a numerous family.-Liam smile gently.

-Yeah, an eight years old one, a ten years old and one older than him by two years.

-That explains why he is so gentleman.-and again the teacher founds himself laughing along with Zayn’s mother.

Zayn really cares about everyone’s well-being, if someone is hurt he won’t think about it, he just goes and helps, that is one of the things that Liam admires from his student.

-And what about his father? –Mr. Payne asks and suddenly the room is filled with tension. The shoes Trisha has are tapping the floor with quickly movements.

-He is very strict with Zayn in the homework, but because he wants the best for him.

There was something hidden in there.

-He works? –the intrigue in Liam’s tone is very noticeable.

-He… yes, he does.

It wasn’t the whole story, Liam knew it, the nervousness in the woman’s body in front of him, the way she doesn’t look him in the eyes but the window next to him.

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