introduction + description.

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{Only bad people live to see their likeness set in stone}


-What do you think about suicide?

-Sometimes I think it's the best solution.


-Yeah, the other sometimes you are there.


{Trigger warning, don't read if you are not confortable.}


This thing came from somewhere on my mind a rainy day in which I was watching a drama movie. It's about all the fears we have, about the insecurities, and about those moments of guilty, contempt and hesitation. But also it's about the confidence, the courage and the little good things that we very often ignore. I'm just going to say thank you if you are taking time to read this, it means a lot to me and I'd give you a hug because I love you and I hope you enjoy this xx.y

Stay true to who you are and never, however difficult the situation gets, give up on what you love doing.

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