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Sorry if theres something wrong, I will revise it later....

{I'm sorry for everything I've done, oh, everything I've done.}


Liam wakes up due to a strange sound. According to his clock next to him, it's half past three in the morning. His eyes heavy and he is on his elbows, trying to identify that sound. He doesn't know if he really heard it or if he was dreaming. But everything is silent, so he lies on his back again. Since when this happen to...?

Again that sound.

He remembers Zayn was in his house, maybe he needed something.

The floor is cold and he feels lucky to have his socks on his feet. A yawn escapes from his mouth as he incorporates. He tries to walk making not sound as he listens closely.


And he knows that it's inside the room Zayn is. He opens the door slowly, turning the lights on when he don't see anyone on the bed but the bathroom. The wooden door which leads to the toilet is closed and Liam can hear gagging sounds coming from it. He walks towards the door instantly and knocks two times.

-Zayn, are you okay? -his voice husky from sleeping and at the same time a tint of worry filling his vocal chords is used.

No answer and the professor tries to enter, and obviously... it's locked.

-Zayn, open the door.-and a strict tone is employed now. Liam's ear is glued to the wooden, his palm hitting it.-Zayn.

-Li-Liam.-Zayn's voice on the other side is chocked on sadness, broken and scared. Liam frowns, something telling him there is something really wrong, and he is wide awake now.

-Zayn, let me in.-he was begging.

-No, you are going to... hurt me.-Payne can feel the body of the boy on the other side; hiccups are present and the feeling of not knowing what to do is increasing amazingly.

-I'm going to help you; I would never hurt you, please.

What is this Liam? Are you begging to one of your students?

And suddenly, the door is opening very slowly and Liam gasps at the sight in front of him... or better said, the sight of the boy sitting on the floor.

-What's wrong? -Liam asks as he crouches besides his student and observes every feature and facial expression.

Zayn was pale. Not like yellow skin but white. The colour had drained of his face totally, dry and parted lips that seem to haven't drunk anything in ages. Messy black hair going in any direction. And although he was looking down, Liam could appreciate the dark big bags under his closed eyes.

-Zayn, look at me.-The professor feeling desperate to know what happened, looking for signs of something he doesn't even know, but he finds no one.

His right hand reaching up to Zayn's chin softly, his skin so cold like ice. Seeing the boy like this is breaking his heart in pieces and he doesn't know what to do. The honey eyes open, surprisingly for Liam, they were dull and the pupils were too constricted to be normal. A bruise fading on his cheekbone.

-Zayn, come on. - And unconsciously Mr. Payne's hands go to the lad's cheeks, cupping his face between his palms.-Hey, can you hear me? -

Liam shakes Zayn's head a little bit but he isn't receiving any answer and the hazel eyes are lost somewhere behind him.

-Oh god...-the fear going into Liam's body, suddenly feeling his blood like ice and his legs start to tremble when he looks down and see that stupid object on the floor.

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