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Chapter 3: The Fall of Eschatology


Immediately after he opened the door, Chu Han plunged his axe into a zombies head without looking!


The axe lodged firmly in the zombies skull. The zombies eerily pale pupils and chapped skin were mere centimeters away from Chu Han. Warm blood and gooey brain matter splattered all over his face, and the unique, rotten smell of zombie innards diffused across the room and hallway.

The zombies head was completely mangled, and it let out a final gasp before its eyes dimmed.

With his accumulated experience, he instinctively knew that there was a zombie standing a meter away from the door.

Chu Han wiped his face and grunted as he pulled out the axe. The lifeless zombie fell to the ground, scattering the surroundings with bloody flesh and grey brain matter. The scarlet blood dyed the white brick a revolting shade of dark red.

Although Chu Han didn't recognize the zombie, he wouldn't show mercy even if he previously knew it.

Even so, his body was pitifully weak. The weight of the axe was one-tenth lighter than the military ones he wielded in his previous incarnation. However, he required both hands to use it effectively, and even that took a great toll on his body; he was currently gasping for breath after his battle with the zombie.

There was originally only one zombie beside the door, but the noise attracted the other zombies in the corridor. Each zombie listened intently, and they lumbered slowly towards the source of the noise. They were covered in rotten meat and blood. Their faces were unnaturally pale, and their white eyes lacked pupils. All of them gestured threateningly as they headed towards Chu Han.



More than ten zombies entered his field of vision. Their ferocious growls sounded menacing. The current atmosphere in the dim corridor was extremely horrifying.

The reborn Chu Han lacked the super-strong body of his previous incarnation. He was currently too weak to deal with dozens of zombies simultaneously. Actually, he was unsure if he could even deal with four or five zombies.

Once bitten by a zombie, one would become infected with the zombie virus.

Besides, there were at least a dozen zombies, all filled with mad rage; they were akin to wild beasts that had been starved for days. They rushed at Chu Han frenziedly as they smelt the scent of fresh meat emanating from him.

Their sharp fingernails were extended, each one dripping with red blood.

They wanted to gnaw on the flesh of Chu Han, dismember his body, and feast on his innards!

Chu Han remained beside the door frame. Although these zombies lacked intelligence, they jostled forward in a swarm. The area was a dead end, making it impossible for Chu Han to battle a dozen zombies in unison, but taking them out individually was possible. Now, the danger only came from one direction, which meant that he could wield his axe freely as he was behind the line marking the entrance.

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