Chapter Thirty

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Ahmad went back home sad and devastated. Marwan was still there when he got back.

Guy how far, how did it go? Marwan asked him.

She did not even bother to listen to me. "Ahmad replied".

Just the way you refused giving her a listening ear also. Marwan said to him.

Marwan please help me talk to her, she might listen to you. I really love her so much and am ready to accept her daughter as my own. Ahmad pleaded with him.

Not this time around. You got yourself into this mess so sort it out yourself. Well, I suggest you let the elders handle this one.

Tell your mum to approach daddy with your marriage proposal. Am sure Maryam will reason it your own way. Marwan said to him.

Wow! Brilliant idea. Thanks man. Ahmad said smiling.

Don't forget am still mad at you for causing my sister pain. Marwan also said to him smiling.

Am sorry my inlaw. Ahmad said and they both laughed.

I've been out for long, I need to go back home. I will be expecting your people this evening. Marwan said to him and left.

When Marwan left, Ahmad went to confront his mother about the issue. Although he is still upset with her, but she is the only one that can help him in this situation.

He got to the door and paused for some minutes as if he was trying to remember something. He only nodded and entered the room and saw his mother sitting by the bedside.

Mummy we need to talk, he said and sat close to her.

Yes my son, what is it? She asked as she adjusted her sitting position.

Mummy I've found the lady I want to marry. I just need you to approach her family with the wedding proposal this evening. He said to her.

Who is she, where is she from and who are her parent? She asked randomly.

Her name is Maryam, Alhaji Hamza's daughter. "He replied".

She looked at him shocked before asking; do you think Alhaji Hamza would allow his daughter get married to you after everything I did to his family?

Well that is your business. It was your mistake so correct it. All I care about is making her my wife. If you want your son back, fulfill that wish for me. He shrugged and left the room.
That evening, Hajiya Larai went to see Alhaji Hamza and they discussed how to go about the wedding.

The wedding was fixed to be in a month time. Alhaji Hamza overlooked Hajiya larai's mistakes and accepted the marriage proposal.

After she had left, Alhaji Hamza called his daughter to inform her about the wedding.

Maryam are you okay with the wedding? He asked her.

She kept her head down and didn't utter a word. He is ready to accept your daughter as his own but if you are not still comfortable with it, I can cancel it right away. He said again and she looked up at him.

I will take your silence as a yes. He said and she nodded.

Masha Allah! Get me a list of everything you will need.

Okay daddy, she said and left.

The family members were all happy to receive such great news. Ahmad felt he was the happiest and luckiest person on earth.

Wedding preparations commenced immediately since the wedding is just a month away. The whole family contributed in one way or the other.

Hafsat made sure that her daughter had bath scrub three times a day. She made sure the bride is always looking presentable.

Everything went as planned. The wedding events were not much as it was only bridal shower, wedding fatiha and walima.

After the walima, the groom and his friends came to convoy the bride to her new home.

Alhaji Hamza and Hafsat gave their daughter heart touching sermons before she was escorted out by Falmata and Farida.

The three friends couldn't control their tears as they cried as if they were being separated forever.

Amrah was not left out of the programs. She will be spending the night with Hafsat before going back to her parent the next day.

Mummy had forbade Farida and Falmata from sleeping over with Maryam. When it was time for them to go home, the three friends burst into another painful cry before they finally left.

Ahmad came into the room alone and met Maryam already sleeping. She had taken her bath and even changed to something light.

He would not want to disturb her sleep, so he took his shower and quietly laid down beside her. She woke up immediately she felt warm body by her side and started crying.

Ssshhhh just go back to sleep, I promise not to touch you. He said and pulled her to his chest.

The next morning, he woke her up for subhi prayer before going out to the nearby mosque.

He came back and met her on the bed with her eyes open.

Baby have you prayed? He asked her.

Yes, she answered and covered her face with the blanket.

He laid down beside her and pulled her to his chest.

"Leave me alone", she said and tried pushing him away.

Why! Are you not my wife? He asked and winked at her.

I am but am not ready to be intimate with you. She replied.

But why? He asked her again.

Simply because you are yet to tell me why you rejected Amrah. She answered staring into his eyes.

Comon baby, it's bygone now. I don't know what came over me. He said concerned.

This one month I had with her before the wedding was a memorable one. She has gotten a soft spot in my heart, I love her so much just like I do to you. I promise to be the best father and an amazing husband.

Before she could say anything. He held her tight and placed his lips on hers.

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