Chapter Twenty One

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Am Hafsat by name and I was not sent here by anyone. You are surprised how I know you are pregnant right? Well, am a nurse, I figured that out when I held your hands and felt your pulse.

Please just go and let me be. Azeema said to her.

I can't go and leave you here dear not when I know the condition you are.
Please even if it's for the sake of your baby. Hafsat said and led her to the car.

Azeema got into the car and she drove off. They got to her place after 1hour 40minutes ride from there.

You are welcome to my house. Hafsat said as she opened the door and went in with Azeema following her behind.

Make yourself comfortable. Hafsat said and went to the kitchen to quickly prepare fried plantain and egg for her guest.

Finish the food and show me your plate. "She said smiling".

Azeema ate like she was counting the number of plantains in the plate.

After eating, she took her bath and retired to bed with many thoughts running through her mind.

Marwan is there still no news from Azeema. Their mummy asked concerned.

Mummy she is not picking my calls also, am so worried. "He answered".

Farida and Maryam had not been around, they went to visit Falmata and would be spending the night over there.

Marwan called earlier and told them about Azeema's disappearance. They were both worried, but he assured them she will be fine. In Sha Allah.

Everyone in that family slept with their eyes half opened. They would have preferred if the night was shorter than it was.

Early next morning, Farida and Maryam came back home very worried.

They joined Marwan in search of Azeema. They even went to Amal's place but she was not there.

Ahmad on the other hand, went back to his grandparents. He did not inform them about what happened.

He was not a great talker. It was as if someone was going to charge him for the number of words he used each time he spoke. Many people thought he was snobbish.

Azeema woke up with a slight headache, lost of appetite and nausiness. Hafsat made sure she attended to her before leaving for work.
Days passed by, months passed by but there was still no news from Azeema. All the family do now is to pray for her.

Everyone minds his/her business. They all blame each other for what happened.

Azeema where are you? Hafsat asked as she undress. Mummy am in the kitchen. "She answered sharply".

Ohh dear I told you not to stress yourself, don't you want my grandchild to be healthy. She said smiling and approaching her in the kitchen.

They were interrupted by her phone ringing. ThankGod she said and picked the call.

Good evening mummy. Good evening dear. How are you and everyone over there? "She asked".

We are all fine. Mummy, I want to visit you during the weekend. Hope you are okay with that.

No problem dear, you are always welcome here. Okay thank you, till I come. Okay bye.

She ended the call and focused on Azeema.

Mummy who was that? "She asked". It's my daughter I told you about the other day. She will be visiting during the weekend. "She answered".

Wow that's good. Finally, I will get to see her in person.

Alhaji Hamza alighted from the plane feeling refreshed. He feels so good stepping foot in his motherland after awhile.

He wants to surprise his family, so he has not inform them of his arrival.

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