Chapter Twenty Seven

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Hajiya Aisha couldn't move from where she was nor say anything.

Are you alright? The doctor asked again.

Doctor what is wrong with her? Alhaji Hamza asked.

The doctor stared at him as if he was trying to figure out something before he said; I don't think I should say this here.

Why not? We are her family and moreover it's a health related issue. Marwan stated.

I just hope it's not what am thinking. "He thought to himself".

Well if you say so, She had a miscarriage and was brought to my hospital by this woman here. He said pointing at Hajiya larai. That was when I discovered she was also HIV positive. "He added".

Aisha is this true? Alhaji Hamza asked her on top of his voices.

Yes everything he said is the truth but I can explain. She replied in a breaking voice.

Explain what, that it's the devil's work or what? He asked again.

Please forgive me dear, I know I've wronged you. She said in tears.

You are selfish and heartless, you got us separated from our mother for your own selfish reasons. "Farida who has been sitting there quietly finally said".

Larai you have ruined my life. Hajiya Aisha said. If only you did not take me to that man, i wouldn't have gotten pregnant or even infected with this deadly disease. You also lured me into the lesbian world. "She added in tears".

Innalillahi wa'inna ilaihi rajiun so all this while you have been a lesbian. I hate you! Marwan said to her.

Me being a lesbian is not my fault but your father's fault. He left me lonely. Am I not a human being, don't I have emotions and feelings or am I not suppose to have sexual urge? She asked emotionally.

This is not the time for emotional blackmail, you have cheated yourself. Leave my house and don't ever come back to our lives again. Alhaji Hamza said to her in anger.

Please forgive me, I promise to change. My children please forgive me. "She pleaded"

Don't you dare call us your children, we have seized from being that from today onwards. Just go, I don't want to continue seeing your disgusting face. Farida also said to her in anger.

I divorce you Aisha, I curse the day I got married to you. Get out of my house and mind you, you are going with nothing. Alhaji Hamza roared.

Alhaji please take it easy. The doctor said.

Yes am going easy on her or else she would have been on the hospital bed by now. He said to him and turned to face her again.

Leave my house this instant, and you too. "he added pointing at Hajiya larai".

Hajiya larai left immediately without even a second thought.

After a phone call, the doctor rushed out of the house. I have to go now, there is an emergency at the hospital. "He said and left".

Hajiya Aisha stood up and dragged her feet to the door, she paused and stared at the whole house before leaving.
Am sorry, you all have to go through all this. Alhaji Hamza said to his children.

It's okay daddy, we love you so much. They all chorused and hugged him passionately.

Little Amrah got scared and screamed from her sleep.

Oh my God! You all have succeeded in waking her up. Maryam said and picked her up.

Big sis please help me arrange everything we will need for a night in my bag. She said to Farida while feeding the baby honey mixed with zam zam water.

Are you spending the night somewhere else? Marwan asked her.

Not only me, we are all spending the night somewhere else. She answered and winked at him.

Where could that be? Alhaji Hamza also asked.

It's a surprise daddy. She said smiling at him.

Farida went into the room, arranged everything into the bag and came downstairs smiling. I know where we are going to. "She thought to herself".

Let's go, she said and they followed behind.

Big bro please drive carefully, she said and they all got into the car.

Farida showed him the way and they got to the house after 2hours ride and knocked at the door.

She opened the door and they stared at each other shocked. His heartbeat increased when he saw her. He couldn't believe his eyes. Is this for real! "He thought to himself".

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