Chapter Four

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Maryam is the new slave daddy brought to this house. "She confidently said". 

What!! Slave you mean? They asked surprised. 

Yes, she does everything now including washing of daddy's cars. "She replied".

"Hmm, I see".......Marwan said.

Am here ma, 'Maryam said to her'.

Okay serve the dishes. But what took you so long? 'Azeema asked her in anger'. 

I was in the kitchen ma. 'she replied'.

I don't even understand why you are always in the kitchen doing nothing. She asked.

I was busy ma, busy my foot. Maryam replied.
Come on serve the dishes and get out of my sight before you spit in my food. Stupid girl. "Azeema shouted at her".

She served the dishes, apologized and left with tears in her eyes.
Azeema, take life easy. There is nothing in this world, we will all leave the world someday. You can't be maltreating her just because you are superior.

Am very sure she is not your mate. Atleast respect her for the sake that she is also respecting you. She looks familiar, it's like i have seen her somewhere before. "Farida cautioned her".

Sis I don't need your advice, okay. Mummy said she is our slave just like her mother was. Azeema said twisting her mouth.

Ohh now I know where you are getting the guts from.
I will not stay back and tolerate the way you treat her in this house. Farida said to her in anger.

Sisters must you always quarrel, why can't you guys behave matured for once, am fed up gaskiya. "Marwan said with a mouthful".

He stood up with his plate of food and left for his room. The two sisters kept on murmuring as they eat.
Baby am home, 'Their mummy said as she entered the sitting room'. 

Welcome back mummy. "They both said".

She stood there surprised seeing Farida. Farida, is this you? She asked her.

Yes mommy, we came back together. She replied.

Marwan came running downstairs and hugged his mummy.

Mummy I've missed you so much, I've missed you too my son. How was the trip? Alhamdulillah it was okay. Farida too hugged her mummy.

After the exchange of pleasantries, they all sat down discussing about the changes in the house.

Mummy, are you on diet? Marwan asked her.

Why are you asking dear. "She asked him too".

Nothing much, it's just that you have lost weight alot, or is there something bothering you? He asked again.

No son, am fine. Okay I hope so. Thanks for your concern dear. Don't mention mummy, you are the best.
So mummy, who is this Maryam? 'Marwan asked again'.

Hmm she is just a burden your father brought to this house, I don't even know where he got her from. Their mummy said but was interrupted by Azeema.

"Probably from one of his numerous girlfriends". Azeema chipped in.
Azeema shut up, you can't talk about daddy that way. "Marwan shouted at her in anger".

But it's the truth big bro. Don't you know daddy has girlfriends elsewhere that is why he can't even spend upto a month with us. She said again.
Now i know you lack sense. Please stop all this, it's not the way out. Mummy tell us the truth, do you think daddy is having an affair? Farida asked.

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