Chapter Ten

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-Good morning dad!

-Morning my angel, how are you doing over there?
-Am fine.

-When are you coming back.
Next month dear.

-I really missed you so much.
I missed you too dear.

-My angel.....
"Yes dad".

-Please be patient, everything will soon come to an end. But for now just hide everything behind your smile.

-It's okay dad, I can cope.

-Also, don't forget to keep it a secret from everyone, I wouldn't want them to find out just yet.

-"In Sha Allah".

-Continue praying for your mum, brother and sister, I know they are fine where ever they are.

-May Allah bring them back to us safe and healthy.

Ameen! Bye dad, I think someone is coming this direction.

-Okay dear, take care of yourself.
She ends the call, switched off the phone and hid it.
Please I need coffee. He said to her

Okay I will bring it for you. "She said but he cuts in".

No don't worry, I will wait here to collect it.

He is the least person she had expected to come across again in this house.

Since after that incident, she has become totally scared of him. What I've i done to deserve this, "she thought to herself".

Am sorry about what happened the other day, I don't really know what came over me. It's nothing, no one is above mistake.

I want you to be free with me just the way you are with my sister. I've been disturbed since that day. I really regretted what I did. You are a nice person, you don't deserve that. "She heard his voice saying".

May Allah see us through. She said.

Ameen sis. He chorused smiling.

She smiled and handed the cup of coffee to him.

Ohh I totally forgot, we need to discuss about something. "He said scratching his head".

What is it? Hope I've not done anything wrong. She asked a bit scared.
Not at all, actually it's even good news. He said and winked at her.

You are not serious. So tell me what the good news is all about. She said impatiently.

You have to pay me first before I tell you. He said....

Ahhh has it gotten to this? She asked as she hung her mouth open.

Yes na.....he replied.

Well, I've paid you already. She said and he glanced at her surprised.

Paid how? He asked.

The coffee na "she said and winked at him".

This girl you are just too much. Answer this question first, "do you have a boyfriend?" He asked her.

Ofcourse no, I don't have time for guys now. She replied instantly.

That's quiet interesting. Well, my friend is interested in you. He said like he was counting his words.

Please let's not even go there. She said and turned her face away.

But why? He asked shocked.

Simply because am not interested....she replied.

Sis please just think about it and give him a chance, "Farida chipped in".

They both turned and looked at the direction the voice was coming from.
How long have you been standing there. They both asked her. 

I have been here since admiring this two siblings. Although I was left out but I decided not to interrupt. She held her hands and said to her; we want the best for you, we can never harm you.

just think about it and give him a chance. I assure you will be alright. Marwan added.

Okay I've heard dear, I will think about it. She said to them.

That's what I want to hear." Marwan said as he sipped the last drop of coffee".
Thank you so much sis for convincing her. Let me even call him now. He said to Farida as he brought out his phone from his pocket.

No please, not in my presence. "She shouted".

What, are you shy? Marwan asked raising his eye brows.

She covered her face with her hands and ran out of the kitchen.

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