Chapter Twenty Nine

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Hello! Hello! Hello! She screamed on the phone before getting a slight reply from the receiver. "Yes, why are you shouting like that".

Salma please can I come and stay with you for awhile? Aisha asked aunty Salma.

Why? Ohh you thought I don't know what happened. Well, I ran into larai yesterday and she told me everything. Salma replied in a harsh tone.

Am in serious problem and I have no one to turn to but........she was interrupted by Salma that said: wait wait the deal is over. Remember I was just acting like your sister, now that everything is over I have to quit too.

And lastly, don't you ever contact me again. She said and ended the call.

Now everyone is running away from me. Ya Allah please forgive me. "She thought to herself"

The family reunion brought peace and happiness to their lives. Everyone stand by each other in terms of needs and support.

Amrah is also growing rapidly as she get all the love and care she deserve from the whole family.

She has began to crawl and even attempt walking.

Amrah please don't crawl out, the sun is too hot. Maryam shouted from the kitchen.

When she noticed Amrah is quite where she is and it's unlike her to be when there is no one around, she decided to check on her.

She stood halfway and stared at them when she saw Ahmad playing with Amrah.

Why did they leave you all alone? He asked Amrah and turned to go inside.

Ahmad you are welcome, she said to him smiling and they went inside.

What is her name? He asked while sitting down. Her name is Amrah. She replied bluntly.

She is cute! Whose daughter is she? He asked again. She is my daughter. She answered.

What! Your daughter? Maryam how could you do this to me? He asked and stood up.

Am sorry Ahmad, I wanted explaining things to you but I thought it would be better physically. Maryam said to him.

Wow you thought it would be better physically so that you can hurt me to my face right. He said and gave her the baby.

I don't need any explanation from you, I have seen things for myself. Maryam I trusted you but you cheated just because I was away for awhile. "He added"

Ahmad please calm down, just hear me out. He threw his hand up, indicating he didn't want to hear what she had to say. Listen to me very well, you will have to chose between me and this bastard. He said and left her speechless.

She watched him leave the house as tears streamed down her chin. I love Ahmad so much but I love my baby more. "She thought to herself"

Hafsat came back and met her that way. Maryam folded her hands and watched Amrah, who was just busy playing and smiling at her.

Maryam what's wrong? Hafsat asked concerned.

Mummy I love both of them. She said and hugged her mummy.

Tell me what happened dear. She said curiously.

Ahmad was here and he said I should chose between him and Amrah. Mummy I don't know what to do. I can't stay away from my child, she is my happiness. She concluded in tears.

Everything will be alright dear, just trust God. Telling him the truth that she is your daughter was the best. Destiny can be delayed but can never be changed. If he is truly yours, he will definitely come back to you. Hafsat said while patting her back.

Her words really touched Maryam. Thank you so much mummy. She said and pulled off.

Hafsat stood up and went to her room while Maryam just sat down there and continued thinking about the situation. She had even forgotten about the food she was preparing.

Farida who has been sleeping all day, woke up and came downstairs to get a cup of water. She perceived the smell of burnt food and ran into the kitchen.

She put off the gas and came out to meet Maryam. Maryam what are you thinking about that got you carried away like this? She asked and sat close to her.

Maryam glanced at her and said. Ahmad was here. She told her everything that transpired between them.

Stop bothering yourself. Everything will be alright. Farida said to her.

If he insists then you have to make the right decision, I trust you. She added before calling Marwan to inform him about what happened.

I will take care of it. He said and ended the call.

Marwan went through his phone and dialed a number. Where are you? Let's meet at your place. He told the receiver and hanged up.

He pulled over at Ahmad's place and went in. He saw Ahmad sipping coffee. Yes, what is the meeting all about? Ahmad asked him.

Ahmad you messed up! How can you go till the extent of telling her to chose between you both? Marwan asked in anger.

Guy what would you have done if you were in my shoes? He asked back.

The fact still remain that you fucked up. Marwan said to him. He told him everything that happened in his absence.

Ahmad couldn't even wait for him to finish, he ran out and drove straight to their house.

Maryam am sorry, I shouldn't have reacted that way. He said to Maryam that was busy picking dirt from her finger nails.

She stood up and smiled before saying: you are here for my answer right? Well, I love my daughter so much that I can sacrifice my own happiness for her. Now go back to where you are coming from. She said and went back inside.

Her tone gave no room for questions or arguments so Ahmad stood up and left.

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