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Soarin and I's parents were killed when I was a one year-old baby, and Soarin was a young colt. We were sent to live with our Aunt Lofty, who treats us well, as kind as our parents had been, Soarin once told me. I love my brother, but we can be a little different sometimes. We're very similar, we are both smart, kind, caring, and loyal, our mother's traits, Aunt Lofty says. But only Soarin got dad's strength, bravery, and white coat. I'm not brave, I'm not strong, and my coat is orange, like moms'. But that's not all our differences. Soarin is really fast, he got his cutie mark in speed, while I have trouble just getting off the ground. Soarin has two best friends, Spitfire Flare and Fleetfoot-she wouldn't tell us her last name-but I can't make a single friend, all the foals my age laugh at me because I can't fly. Also, Soarin has a white coat, dark navy blue mane, and bright green eyes, but I've got an orange coat, dark purple mane, and light purple eyes. Well, Soarin still loves me, and I love him, even though we're so different.

Two years later

Scootaloo was with Soarin and with his friends, Spitfire and Fleetfoot. The three older foals would always let Scootaloo tag along with them, knowing that the filly didn't have any friends of her own to hang out with. Soarin and his friends would also help Scootaloo practice her flying, all while practicing their advanced flying. Soarin and his friends had all got their cutie marks in flying fast, even Spitfire, whose cutie mark was a phoenix when it bursts into flames. Scootaloo and Soarin's parents had taught Soarin to fly, but had been killed before they could teach Scootaloo. Suddenly, there was a shout over the sound of Soarin's conversation with his friends.

"Lookout!" came a high-pitched squeal of fright, and the three foals jumped out of the way, Soarin scooping up Scootaloo so she rested safely in his hooves. A huddled shape hit the ground right in front of them, before struggling upwards. 

"Fluttershy! The wing-pony is supposed to warn about any obstacles!" The filly cried angrily. 

She had a messy, rainbow colored mane, stunning magenta eyes, and a blue coat. The filly was obviously all about speed, judging by her cutie mark: a lightning bolt striped with the three primary colors that was shooting out of a cloud. It looked similar to Soarin's cutie mark of a yellow lightning bolt with white wings extending from the top. A second filly landed on the cloud sidewalk. This filly was tall and lanky, though she seemed the same age as Soarin and the others, had a yellow coat, ocean blue eyes, a pink mane that fell in front of one eye, and a cutie mark of three pink butterflies.

"I'm sorry, ok, I thought you could see that other pony, I did try." The second filly whimpered 

"How was I supposed to see a pony coming at me while trying a triple corkscrew?!" The first filly exclaimed 

"You know how to do a triple corkthcrew?" Fleetfoot blurted out, and both fillies turned to face them. 

"Well, sort of. I'm Rainbow Dash, and I would have pulled off my first triple corkscrew if I hadn't had to pull an evasive maneuver to get out of the way of the pony Fluttershy forgot to warn me about." The first filly, Rainbow Dash explained. 

After Soarin, Spitfire, and Fleetfoot had talked with the two new fillies, they all headed home. Fleetfoot lived on a different street than Spitfire, Soarin and Scootaloo, so she left, waving goodbye. Spitfire disappeared into her own house when they reached their street. Soarin led Scootaloo inside, where they found their aunt waiting for them. They ate dinner, and then Aunt Lofty tucked them into bed, like usual.

Many years later.

Scootaloo was much older, and so was Soarin. Soarin and his friends were Wonderbolts now, like they'd always dreamed as foals. Scootaloo had moved with Lofty to Ponyville, after Soarin had moved out. He stayed at Wonderbolt Headquarters now, visiting on his off days. Lofty had moved to Ponyville to live with her new wife, Holiday, who was an Earth Pony. Scootaloo had finally made friends at Ponyville, first a unicorn filly named Sweetie Belle, and then they met an Earth Pony filly named Apple Bloom. Scootaloo learned that Rainbow Dash had got a job in Ponyville as a weather pony, and met five other mares, two of whom were Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom's older sisters. Scootaloo's older brother was now the Co-Captain of the Wonderbolts, and Rainbow was some pony that Scootaloo looked up to very much. 

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