The Tank and the Tiara

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Starlight, as the little thing was called, turned out to be an adorable little chaos bringer who never slept and knew no mercy. I myself had never been much of a baby person, but the moment the screaming started I knew I needed to get out fast.

 I slipped out of the ship and stood on the small balcony just outside of the main door, nursing a cup of energex. There was a chill in the air and the sky was bright and clear, though some grey clouds skirted the edge of the horizon. A breeze began to pick up and I watched as it toyed with the steam spiraling from my mug.

A set of graceful peddesteps began to approach, and I didn't need to look to know it was Tarn. 

"You're home late," I took a sip of my drink  and cast him a curious look. 

"That I am," He fixed the collar of his reformatted armor. He had decided he had to change his altmode for this particular event and had used a machine in one of the lower rooms to do it. He said it was temporary, and I certainly hoped so. I liked tank Tarn much more than whatever the heck this alt mode was. Not that I was looking, or cared, or anything. "And I apologize, but I had something I had to attend to."

"Something or Someone?" I raised an eyebrow.

"What, jealous or something?" Tarn raised his own eyebrow in return. Drat him and his stupid handsome face.

"No, I just pity the poor femme who had to look at you for longer than fifteen minutes," That wasn't too harsh was it?

"That hurt,"

"You'll live,"

"If you aren't jealous, why are you standing out here waiting for me?" 

Oh so that's what it looked like, scrap.

"We picked up a little monster when we were stuffing the rich dude in the van. The ship hasn't quieted down since,"

Tarn frowned, "Little monster?"

I nodded solemnly.

"Well, let's see how vile the creature is. After you," He opened the ship door for me, and I stepped through.

Already I could hear the sound of rapid tiny footsteps, and they didn't belong to Vos.

A little blue head peeped out from behind the kitchen door, and gazed up into Tarn's face.

Tarn froze, "Is that, a baby?"

"Yes," I replied shuddering at the thought. All I could see was the sticky little paws it was licking to clean off the cookie crumbs. The sticky juicy mustache it had developed after gorging on a meal. Disgusting.

Tarn slowly knelt down, and looked it in the eye. 

It cocked its head at him, staying absolutely still, then slowly raised its paw and give it a thoughtful lick.

Tarn cocked his head to the other side.

It cautiously took a step forward, then leaped back behind the wall. A single optic poked out.

Tarn winked at it, and it burst into a fit of giggles. 

It slowly came out from its hiding spot and darted behind Tarn, still giggling and it seemed to be wearing through its energy stores. 

"Where'd she go? I can't see her! She must have," Tarn gasped dramatically. "DISAPPEARED!"

A cacophony of giggles broke out from behind him.

"What was that? I heard something?" Tarn stood up, and began poking around the room and looking everywhere but behind him. He picked up the corner of the rug on the floor as if looking under it for the creature. "Not here," 

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