Happy Halloween!

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This is just a little shot of the Peaceful Tyranny Crew for Halloween. It doesn't contribute to the plot, but I thought it was fun to write. :) Btw in my writing, I always picture Tarn as like, Decepticon Ultra Magnus, but slightly more fun, and the team Dad. Basically the lovechild of Shiro from Voltron Legendary Defender and Ultra Magnus from The Lost Light. How can you not love him? Not to mention Kaon as Jack Skellington with The Pet as Zero is life.

I groaned, stretching out my spinal struts as I slouched and planted my faceplate onto the table. 

"-and if you read through the subclause of the sub footer underneath the paraphrase on page 30, you'll find that Megatron's word choice, coupled with his use of the punctuation can be interpreted in over 23 different ways. The first one is-" 

This was just a snippet of Tarn's monologue. He had been going on for over three hours now about his favorite subject, Towards Peace. I will admit the book is well written, (to some extent) but picking it apart, word for word, clause for clause, trying to find meaning in everything from the word choice to the placement of a comma is a bit much. Tarn seriously needed a new hobby, like, baking, or singing, or something.  Though it seemed that right now, he was going to continue lecturing me on how great Megatron's sense of diction is in this very specific sub-clause detailing the ins and outs of why a fusion cannon is a real mech's weapon.

How had I gotten myself here, in this boring predicament? I had just woken up around four hours ago (before dawn) made myself some hot energon (this was a special imported variety to celebrate Halloween and everything fall, it was orange and spicy warm. I loved it), sat down at the kitchen table to read a romance novel Dawnsatar had insisted I read (though from the way she had been smirking, I got the idea that it was pretty dirty, yay me *sigh*), and looked up to notice that he was reading one of his treasured first editions of the book. 

He always kept them in "mint condition", which means that they existentially smell like a special brand polish and buffing fluid he uses. Both of which he used on himself when he wanted to dress up, and the only way I could describe the scent was a vintage grade "A" cigar's smoke mixed with a well aged high grade. But I'm getting off track.

Anyway, I decided this was an opportunity to display my newfound social skills (which were still quite poor) and tried to start up a conversation, to the best of my ability. So I asked him about his choice of reading material....and his optics lit up. Never a good thing when it comes to Tarn. He hadn't shut up since, and this was very uncharacteristic for Tarn because he was usually a mech of as few words as possible.

The only way I had kept my sanity, was by listening to his voice. Whether or not he was trying to use it to kill, or to sooth, his voice was one of the most amazing things I had ever had the pleasure to experience. So instead of actually listening to the words, I instead listened to the rhythms and rises and falls of his tone. So, all was not truly lost after all, not while he still had his amazing voice.

"This...is...Halloween," Whispered a voice from outside the kitchen doors, and down the hall. "This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween."

"Oh no," Tarn's faceplate shot up from his datapad. "It can't be this time of year again!"

"In this town, we call home, everyone hail to the pumpkin song!" Kaon materialized in the doorway, waving his arms slowly as if he was trying to appear scary. But the arms weren't doing anything, no, it was the face that was terrifying. He had painted his face white and black like Jack Skellington's, and he had pumpkin stickers all over his armor. The pet bounded in, a sheet wrapped around him to make him look like a ghost, and a red blinking light had been attached to his nose to make him look like Zero. Okay, that was cute

"It's officially fall, which means decorating is fair game now!" Kaon smirked. "Which means you can't stop me now!" 

Tarn sighed, resting his helm in his hands. "I'd like this season more if you wouldn't go all out for it all the time. It gets quite monotonous after 3 million years you know."

"Never!" came Kaon's defiant call as he raced back down the hallway, undoubtedly for decorations.

"When will he let it go? I've seen that stupid movie more times than I have read this book, and that is both pathetic and a crime!" Tarn groaned. He sat back in his chair, rubbing his optics with his servos tiredly. He stayed like that for a few minutes, then said softly, ".....this is Halloween."

I smirked, it was definitely that time of year again.

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