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     I stared blankly out the tiny circular window of the cruiser as we prepared for landing. It looked like dawn had just broken over the Decepticon headquarters. I wasn't sure if I should be excited to be here or not. The possibility of seeing Megatron? Sure. But the possibility of being killed by Megatron because he was angry was also on the table. I shuddered. I had always tried to keep my head low, do as I was told, and stay out of other people's business. I kept my slate clean. I had seen too many deserters and traitors being killed or tortured for me to slip up even for a moment. I knew especially not to from my time with the Madam. And now especially required me to be careful. Not only was Megatron here, but so was the ever present threat of the Decepticon Justice Division. The very thought made me shudder. I had already decided to keep my distance from any trouble and anyone important. Would it be cool to see Megatron, or Overlord or Soundwave? Yes. But I didn't really want to get close. I knew better than to assume my safety simply because of my Decepticon symbol. There were bigger predators hunting in this field. 

I flicked my gaze across the small passenger room. Only a few other bots had accompanied me and the captain to Headquarters, and only one was from my original company. There were two male seekers, brothers by the look of it. One was black and orange, the other black and green. There was a small group of five other Decepticons-in-training. Three mechs and two femmes. And leaning on the arm of a mech, was Dawnstar, the only bot here that I knew.  As per usual, she was all over the mech and flirting with a vengeance. I shook my helm at her. And of course, Dawnstar didn't listen. How she managed to get a promotion was certainly an easy guess. She was quiet popular with everyone.  The cherry red femme knew how to get her way, and she was still gloating over winning her bet.

Ah yes... the bet. The reason I was here in the first place. Not because of ability, oh no, I was here because my only friend in the world wanted to prove me wrong. Dawnstar is truly a wonder, mostly out of stubbornness. Whenever she sets her mind to something, that's the end of it. Especially where shanix are concerned.

It had all started about three years ago, after a particularly brutal day of training, we were sitting in a bar that night, Dawnstar drinking some high-grade, and I was of course, having regular. We were talking about life, and love, and war. Mostly about our futures. I had said, rather honestly, that mine was probably not very bright, after all I was just a pedde-soldier. Nothing special about me at all. Dawnstar had suddenly turned to me and said in a drunken slur, "And where would you be if you could be anywhere? Who would you be with? Who would you be?" 

I laughed lightly, and told her that dreaming only caused pain, but she insisted.

"Fine, I'll go first. I would be a head nurse for Knockout, and I would be dating Starscream. And I would have a personal washroom, and a shiny fresh paint job, always kept with a perfect wax. I would be drinking with Starscream at a bar somewhere, being hit on by a ton of mechs, and my mech would be defending my honor!" 

 She earned a begrudging chuckle for that one. So after a few moments of thought, I jokingly said, "I would be sitting in Decepticon headquarters, on the restricted, high security floor, in the Main Officer dining hall, sitting next to-oh let's say Tarn and engaging in witty political banter with Megatron over a morning cup of hot energon."

I laughed even more at this, but Dawnstar hadn't. Instead she said seriously:

"What would you say, if that dream became a reality?"  

I shrugged and looked away, mumbling something about how it didn't matter it never would. 

"Three hundred shanix says that it will." She said, slamming her drink on the bar. I actually cackled at this, knowing full well she was throwing her money away. "What?" She said, "I'm serious! In a few years we are going to be in Decepticon headquarters, or I'll be dead!"

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