Character Bio: Kaon

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So, I'm gonna head straight to the elephant in the room, Kaon's personality is kind of polar opposite in this fic compared to canon, but here's the thing>I know that plot of the mtmte series, but I have yet to actually read the thing

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So, I'm gonna head straight to the elephant in the room, Kaon's personality is kind of polar opposite in this fic compared to canon, but here's the thing>I know that plot of the mtmte series, but I have yet to actually read the thing. And the first time I looked at kaon's character, I thought he was a sassy drama queen who loved dogs, flirted shamelessly, and hated people in general. So I can up with this story before reading into his character (years ago mind you, this story started back when the comics were being WRITTEN, so what....5-7 years ago? wow I'm old) and just ran with it. I kind of like my fanon version of Kaon, and he's here to stay. I always kind of associated Kaon as being Cybertronian Mitch Grassi, (pictured above) so I made his character similar to Mitch. Just go watch some superfruit videos and you'll see where I'm going with Kaon. Ya think he's sassy now? Wait until we spend some time with him....xD.

Also, Kaon's backstory in my fic is completely made up by me. He's a disabled, outlier foster child, so yeah he has issues, but he's also had the most stable childhood out of everyone in the D.J.D. yet he's the most vocal about it. He was raised by Tarn and Helex before the D.J.D. existed and was taken in only a few weeks after Tarn's daughter died and his conjunx disappeared, and yes, there are pictures of baby Kaon everywhere, and yes, Tarn and Helex and Nickel will show them to any prospective dates ever. 

Kaon's "sight" is also important in this fic, he sees by sending out electrical currents that map out the area around him and give him a sort of mental blueprint of the world around him. That said, he also uses his audials to the max and can hear things several miles away, hence why in one of the earlier chapters when a siren went off he crumbled to the ground and covered his audials in a vain effort to get the noise out of his head. Loud noises will basically "blind" him, and make him lose his balance, sense of direction, and of course, his hearing, making him extremely vulnerable in loud areas. This is important for later, I promise, so remember that. ;)

Kaon is extremely idealistic, and really naiive. Because he was raised by Tarn, he's been very sheltered and had lots and lots of rules made for him that he loves to ignore. He's a little rebel, and will often disobey Tarn just to be disobedient rather than because he thinks Tarn is wrong. He also is in love with the idea of extremely idealized romance and is convinced that he wants a connection with someone else more than anything else in the world! He just needs someone who understands him and is a soulful connection! *Entire DJD rolls their eyes*

Kaon is the youngest out of the DJD, even though Vos is tiny and acts like a 12 year old he is actually much much older than Kaon. Tesarus is the next youngest after Kaon, but there is a rather large age gap there, large enough that technically Tesarus is old enough to be Kaon's dad. Because Kaon is so young, he's a part of the last generation before the war officially started between the Autobots and Decepticons, and all he knows is the war to the point that he doesn't know what peace is like. Tarn is constantly reminded of this, and it's part of what drives his character to win the war so badly, and one of the reasons he has remained a Decepticon even when it seemed pointless.

Kaon is close with his dog because he doesn't know many people his age, and due to the DJD travelling so much, he feels isolated and extremely lonely. Another reason is because the previous Vos loved dogs, and always wanted one but Tarn would not let a "filthy animal" in his ship. Shortly after Vos' death they found an abandoned puppy wandering around and Tarn didn't have the heart to tell him no.

Kaon immediately hated the new Vos because he was close with the old one. Because of this he tends to be rather nasty to Vos, and the tiny mech throws it right back. Tarn has to separate them on missions or else one or both mysteriously comes back heavily injured. Both will barge into the other's room and vandalize or take blackmail. Neither one has ever apologized for anything.

A lot of people shun Kaon due to his lack of eyes, he has a hard time with his own body image and this can lead to bouts of depression often.

So....That's Kaon in a nutshell! Everything I can tell you guys right now anyway. ;)

I'll still will work on the next chapter, but I like to tell you guys about my little robot children's adventures and what they're like as people. See ya guys soon!

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