The Benefits of Parenthood

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"What's her name?" Asked one of the femmes with a smile so broad I could count exactly the perfect amount of exactly perfect white teeth that were the exactly perfect spacing apart. They were so polished, that I could see my reflection in them. That takes serious time and a lot of money. 

"Uh," I sputtered, I could see the soldiers approaching out of the corner of my eye, and my servo very slowly began to drift towards my hip. Then I realized that they had both mistaken Vos for a young femme, which would have been funny under different circumstances, but right now I had other much more major concerns."...this is uh-"I glanced at Vos for a moment, my eyes immediately landing on his paint. "...Ultraviolet?" I did my best to smile convincingly, but I doubt that it helped any. 

"Aww, what an adorable name!" They said in unison. The one who hadn't asked for Vos' name knelt down and squished Vos' face (well, mask technically since he didn't actually have a face) and cooed at him. His eyes flashed in confusion, he had absolutely no idea what to do. 

The soldiers were extremely close now, and they were approaching more and more quickly. I bit my lip, and prepared to draw my weapon before they could. I was really hoping to avoid this, but we had to get out of here as soon as possible!

The femme who was kneeling down on Vos' level was hanging around a little too long for my liking either. But I was blocked by the other femme currently engaged in telling me all about her niece's fifth birthday party. I scowled. Something was amiss, just as I was about to say something however, the soldiers had reached us. 

We were so so dead. Vos swore over our intercomm.

"Well, well, well, we've been searching this station up and down for you two," One of the soldiers said with a smirk. Her colleagues had encircled us, the rich pink femmes included, and were forming a physical barrier around us. I swallowed the rising ball of energon creeping  up my throat and was about to begin trying to explain the situation, when the two femmes shrieked and began to claw their way out of the circle, before immediately being cuffed by two large soldiers. 

"Over ninety accounts of suspicious activity on these rails, five proven accounts of child abduction and several accounts of battery are on both of your records, there are over 25 restraining orders to your names and have been marked as wanted and to be arrested on sight. You have the right to remain silent, as anything you say can and will be held against you." The femme recited smugly. 

Vos and I blinked at her, then we shifted our gaze to each other, then to the femmes who were being dragged away kicking and screaming, then to the soldier again. I then noticed that the soldiers weren't actually soldiers. Their paint was a very dark navy blue, that when I had seen it out of the corner of my eye appeared to be the sleek black of the soldiers from the basement. These were police, or at least railway security. 

"I apologize for this, and for undoubtedly scaring your little one. These femmes have been streetwalking and linked to many nefarious child abduction rings. We've been scouring this railway for weeks looking for them. We sincerely apologize on behalf of the Grand Station for this incident, we will do anything in our power to help make it right for you to feel safe once more within these walls. Is there anything we can do to help?" The nice officer asked, putting a servo to her spark chamber in sincerity.

"Well, there is one thing..." I said slowly, working up some fake tears.


Not ten minutes later we were out in the streets once more just outside the hubbub of the Grand Station, happily booking it back to the ship. With Vos carrying a Grand Station™ Hall Patrol Cadet pin on his chest and candy that he couldn't eat (due to physical incapability, not for lack of desire) in his left fist that I had carefully explained to the nice officer was due to his going through an "edgy phase" that made him shy around others and a bit "closed off" after she had been concerned that he hadn't scarfed it down right away. 

Due to Vos' excellent sense of direction and both of our lighter frames we made it back to the parking garage in a fraction of the time it had taken all of us to get to the station. We quickly unlocked the ship's door and darted inside. I rounded the corner and swung myself into the navigation deck to find Kaon yelling something I couldn't make out easily over the intercomm and sliding his digits around on a tablet. 

Helex and Tesarus managed to stumble in a few minutes after Vos and I.

"Well," Tesarus puffed, bracing himself against the door frame, "That-went-"

"SHHH!" Kaon held up a finger, before turning the dial on the intercomm up and putting it on speaker. "SILENCE! Now Tarn, one more time, WHERE ARE YOU EXACTLY???!!!!???"

The sound of gunfire and barking tracer-hounds made up most of the hazy feed, obscuring Tarn's words, though it sounded like he was saying the name of a city I didn't recognize.

"The Shopping Plaza? The big one?" Kaon clarified, adjusting the dials frantically in a futile attempt to focus on Tarn's voice. Not something that was normally hard to do.

A static-y affirmative was barely heard of several loud gunshots and something that sounded like an explosion.

"The Acropolis?" Helex said, confused. "That's like, what, 50 kliks north? How the Hell did he get all the way up there?"

"I ran," came a clear response over the intercomm before another blast was heard. "Kaon! I could use some navigation here! I am running blind and I think I just ran into a funeral!"

Vos and I exchanged glanced, this could only end badly.


Hey guys! Guess who is actually publishing! xD What is this strange occurrence? A sign of the apocalypse? No, it's just a sign of me trying to get my life into order. Anyway, I don't have a lot to update you on? Just a lot of crazy personal stuff has been going on. That and prepping for writing the rest of this book. Trying to plan out how I'm going to end it and where I want to take this story. Also it's hard not to give away spoilers. But It'll be worth it! I promise! I'm trying to learn more about writing and how to improve mine and make it better! So it can only get better from here, right? Anyway, Keep it Classy! Make Good Choices! Have a Great week! And God Bless!


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