Twenty Three

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Marina's POV:

"Kun?" I said, seeing him now in front of me. "Hey, I didn't know you'd be here, I just came for a walk." He said, wiping a tear from his eye. "Sorry to interrupt you." He said, trying to walk past me before I stopped him. "What happened?" I said, putting an arm on his shoulder as I looked at him full of concern. "My girlfriend was cheating on me, she broke up with me today...I don't know why I'm telling you all of this." He said, crying lightly.

I hugged him tightly, surprising him but he hugged back. "You deserve better Kun, don't let her get you down." I said. "You're right." He said before he was cut off by Lula clearing her throat behind us. "Care to introduce me to your friend?" She smiled, twirling her hair while looking at Kun. The moment Kun's eyes met her's, he blushed. "I-i'm Kun." He said, shaking as he reached out to shake her hand, still looking at her face.

"This is Sicheng's best friend Kun..and this is my best friend Lula." I laughed as they shyly looked at each other, neither of them saying much. " know, now that I think about it, you two would actually look really cute together." I said, making them both red. "You know, you could always go on a double date with me and Sicheng and get to know each other better, you already seem to have a connection." I continued.

"I'm in if you are Lula." Kun suddenly said confidently, wiping his tears away and smiling at her. "I'm in." She said, smiling back at him gently as they continued to look at each other. I could see the look of heartbreak melting from his face as he looked at her, making me happy. Suddenly I saw Sicheng and Lucas walking closer to the three of us, making me remember that we were going to set Lula up with Lucas.

Sicheng looked at us confused before speaking. "Kun, what are you doing here?" He asked as Lucas looked back and forth. "I came her to take a walk because my girlfriend broke up with me and I happened to run into these two and long story short, me and Lula are going to go on a double date with you and Marina." He said, making Lucas frown at the last part. "So I'm going to be the fifth wheel now? Great.." he rolled his eyes as Sicheng walked over to me, taking my hand in his.

"Well we tried." He laughed before kissing me on the cheek. "Sorry, Lucas, surely we can find you a date." I said, patting him on the shoulder. The night soon went by as all of us went to eat and went bike riding and to the beach, having such an amazing time. Lucas eventually found a girl at the bike rental shop who was actually interested. I smiled as I saw the two new couples getting along so well before turning to my boyfriend, the night close to coming to an end.

I could tell by the moonlight lighting Sicheng's gorgeous locks that it was getting late. "Guys, we should get going now, it is getting late." Sicheng said, making the others pout but agree. We bid our goodbyes to the group before taking off, just the two of us, hand in hand. "Before we go home, there is somewhere I want to take you." He whispered. Before I knew it, the two of us were running off to this place he wanted to take me to so badly.

"Alright close your eyes, we're getting close." He said, holding my hand tighter as he began to lead me the rest of the way. Soon enough we came to a stop and he told me to open my eyes. The moment I did, my heart fluttered. "This is the dock that you fell off of the day we met." I said, turning towards him as the stars sent light shooting across the water, making it possible to see his features looking back at me as he put a hand on my waist.

"I'm so thankful for that day." He smiled at me. "Me too." I said. "I love you so much." He said, beginning to lean forward. "Because of you my life is now wonderful." He continued. "I love you more than you will ever know." I said as he got closer, about to close the gap between us. We smiled at each other lightly and that was the last thing I saw before my eyes fluttered closed, his lips pressing against mine, making my heart beat ever so quickly.

The night went on with lots of kisses and exchanges of I love you's, things we never would have expected to happen from that day we met, the day I saved his life. Over the summer, we had fallen for each other, like star crossed lovers in a fairytail, except this one was about a quiet boy named Sicheng and a mermaid named Marina who swam away from home, the two destined to meet each other and fall in love. But our love wasn't so sudden like other stories, the feelings just overcame us at a sudden the rush of a riptide.

The end

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you have liked this book, sad to say that this is the end. I have decided not to make an epilogue with this book because I think this is the perfect ending. If you have any questions though, please dm me. I have another book called 'Rose Red' that will be replacing this one coming soon so stay tuned.


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