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Marina's POV:

I looked around at the scenery as we walked along the rocks for a second before he stopped, making me bump into him. "Here, wear my shirt so you can cover up a bit more." He said, handing me the shirt while I looked down, realizing I was only wearing a bra and some thin bottoms that barely covered anything. I took his oversized shirt and put it on, thanking him, trying my best not to blush at how good he looked without anything on. I shook my head and snapped out of it as we continued walking. "You're really sweet Sicheng" I said, not realizing I had said it out loud. He blushed and smiled yet he stayed quiet as he continued to walk over the rocks while holding my hand.

"You know, you seem awful casual to be talking to a mermaid like this." I spoke up as we walked up the sandy hill and onto the path. "Trust me, I'm freaking out inside and I'm absolutely terrified but something inside me is just telling me to trust you. I guess it is because you saved my life." He said as we continued to walk quickly while he looked around as if someone would be watching. "Are you okay?" I decided to ask.

He furrowed his eyebrows before answering in a low voice. "I'm not exactly popular around here and people pretty much see me as a weirdo so they would be really confused to see me with a girl. Wait why am I telling you all this, we'll just get to know each other later, can we just stop talking about this for right now" he said, seeming annoyed and frustrated all the sudden as he let go of my hand. I took another step to try to catch up to him as he walked away angrily, while I felt bad, I guess I shouldn't have said anything. As I tried to catch up, my legs went out again, sending me flying onto the hard ground below me and eliciting some excrusiating pain, making me yelp. I looked at my knee and noticed a dark red liquid pouring out of it, I began to cry from the pain and before I knew it, I heard footsteps coming towards me quickly.

I looked up to see Sicheng in a panic running back to me as I looked up at him with tears still in my eyes while he quickly bent down to my level. "Oh my god Marina are you okay?! I'm so sorry, I was being stupid and thinking too much, I didn't mean to leave you behind and now you're hurt and it's all my fault-" he panicked before I pulled him into a hug whispering in his ear. "You're here now, that's what matters to me." He pulled away slowly and looked into my eyes with sorrow. "Here, let me see your leg." He said as he put his hand gently on my leg, turning it to where he could see the wound. All I could do was look at him, not knowing what this feeling was, he was like a savior, a guardian angel, a boy I was somehow destined to meet.

"You're bleeding pretty bad, here, climb on my back and I'll carry you the rest of the way." He said, but all I could do was sit there, frozen in admiration. I put a finger out to poke his cheek lightly, earning a laugh from him. "Alright come on, let's go, you can poke my face later." He said while he smiled. Slowly he stood up and offered me his hand to which I accepted. I jumped onto his back quickly, trying not to touch him with my knee. I enjoyed how amazing he smelled and how soft his hair felt against my face as I propped my head on his shoulder.

"So, what is this red stuff that comes out when you're hurt?" I questioned. "You really don't know much about humans do is called blood, it is what keeps you alive and you definitely don't want to lose too much of it." He said as I listened closely to every word that fell from his lips. "You're really smart Sicheng." I said as I held onto him tighter. "I'm not really that smart, it is kind of common sen- you know what, nevermind." He said as he began to walk faster. Soon we arrived to a big house and Sicheng stopped, looking around to make sure no one was looking.

"So this is my house but we need to make sure no one is going to catch us and I can get you upstairs somehow, would you be okay out here for a second while I go check?" He asked while he gripped my bare thighs to keep me held up, seemingly losing his grip a little bit. "Yes Sicheng, I'll be okay, just don't leave me out here." I said, joking around. He laughed before nodding and sitting me down on the grass. He rushed off quickly and I awaited him to come back, taking a moment to let everything sink in.

I was going to stay with a boy I had just met, a boy I really knew nothing about yet I felt so safe being with him and something about him just drew me in and I couldn't quite figure out what. But anything would be better than things were back home, being forced into marriage with some guy I didn't even like by my father who was very controlling and would ruin my life if I didn't do as he said. That is why I really left home and don't intend on going back. Soon Sicheng came back outside and walked over to me, seeming relieved. "No one's home so we can go upstairs to my room now." He said, gesturing for me to jump on his back again.

I got up slowly, still feeling a great deal of pain as I jumped onto his back. He struggled to wrap my legs around him since I was only a little shorter than him. I smiled as I felt his touch while he took me into the house and up the stairs to his room he had talked about. He opened the door that was off to itself and carried me inside. He shut the door behind us. He then took me to his bed and placed me on it gently. "I'll go get you something for that wound." He said while he started to leave. I grabbed his arm slightly, making him stop in his tracks. He turned to look at me but ultimately seemed shy. "Do you have water anywhere?" I asked.

"You must be thirsty, I can go get you some-" he started to say before I cut him off. "No Sicheng, I mean I need water, water heals any wounds of a mermaid." I said, making him look confused. "But..won't you turn if you put water on it?" He said. "If I turn, I'll heal." I stated. He nodded understandingly but also looking really confused before speaking again. "I actually have that old cup of water over there if that will work." He said before pointing beside me. I looked over to see a glass of water on a wooden stand near the bed, just out of my reach.

Before I could even try, he walked over and grabbed it for me. "Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked, I nodded as he held the glass above my leg. Slowly he poured some of the water onto my wound and I felt it burn slightly as I felt myself beginning to shift. I watched as my legs turned into my usual dark blue tail while Sicheng watched in amazement before looking away shyly. "What, it isn't like I'm naked" I laughed as he felt awkward. He smiled awkwardly and turned back to me. "So we just wait for you to turn back?" He asked, I nodded before he suddenly gasped.

"Ah, damn, now there are scales all over my cover" he said, I laughed to myself as he tried to wipe them all off. "I'm sorry Sicheng" I said, kind of feeling bad but also finding it humorous at the same time. "No, it's okay, I'll just wash it later." He said as he sat down next to me, sighing. "So I guess while we're waiting, we could get to know each other a little bit so we aren't complete strangers." He suggested, I smiled and nodded thinking it was a good idea. But I realized I would have to tell him why I'm here. I tried not to think about it as he asked the first question...

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