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Marina's POV:

Several days had passed and everyday, I had to stay in Sicheng's room, afraid of being caught. I no longer wanted to go out and risk it but knew eventually I would have to. Sicheng and I had really gotten to know each other more the past few days, all we did was lay in bed and talk and eat together and sleep together and he even taught me how to play video games. I absolutely loved to spend time with him but I had a feeling that this was all too good to be true and I couldn't just stay inside forever, what kind of life would that be.

Plus I was getting really tired of having to hide in Sicheng's closet everytime someone decided to make a random visit but he couldn't exactly be like yeah so this girl you've met one time is living in my room with me. He couldn't say any of that, let alone the full story. They would never understand, I'm surprised that Sicheng is cool with all of this. However sometimes I can see the annoyance on his face when I keep asking questions and the stress of holding everything in and keeping all of these secrets from his family and friends.

I also feel like sometimes his kind is still blown by the fact that I'm not normal and that mermaids are in fact real, then again, what human wouldn't feel the exact same way? "Marina, we should go out today, it should finally be safe. I doubt he would still be looking around here after this long. Plus I really need to get out of this house for some fresh air and so do you." He suddenly said beside me, making me nervous. I sighed and got up, not wanting to argue about it and I grabbed some clothes out of the closet before turning to Sicheng.

I eyed him and waited for him to get the hint and turn around. I put on a nice sundress with beautiful pink roses on it and took a look in the mirror for a moment, I was really about to go back out in town for the first time in a week, I only hoped that he was gone because I do not ever want to go back to the ocean. "Can I turn around now?" He asked. "Yes, it's fine." I said, turning to face him as he turned around and his eyes met mine, widening. "Wow, you look pretty." He complimented me as he stood up to find his own clothes.

I blushed and thanked him as i made my way to the other side of the room, turning around so he could dress. After a few minutes he finished and we both began putting on shoes. I guess he could see the obvious worry on my face as I sat next to him at the end of the bed. "I'll protect you I promise. Besides it's already dark out, not many people are going to be out on the streets." He said, standing up and giving me a hand.

"Where are we going anyways?" I asked as he opened his door. "My parents and brothers are out visiting my grandparents so we're going to this little place in town I use to go to a lot. Trust me, you'll like it there." He said, smiling at me. I nodded understandingly and decided not to ask anymore questions as we made our way out of the house and into the darkness, the streets only lit up by the moonlight and the dim street lamps.

After a bit of a walk, we made it to this store front in town, I looked into the window to see the bright lights and many people walking around. "Every week, they have dinner parties here and everyone is welcome to attend, they're all really nice here so you'll be safe don't worry." He said, letting go of my hand. "Ladies first." He said, opening the door for me. "Why thank you." I said, bowing before walking inside as he followed right behind me, a few eyes on us the moment we walked in.

"Sicheng! Haven't seen you in a while." the guy behind the bar said. "Yeah, I've just been busy." he said as he leaned against the bar to talk to the man while I stood back a bit, not knowing what to do. "Is this your girlfriend?" The man asked, looking at me. "She's a close friend of mine." He reassured the man. He nodded and said something else to him before walking off to help some other guests. "Come on." Sicheng said and we made our way into the party, Sicheng greetings a few of the people that I had no idea who they were but bowed to them anyways and said hello.

"Oh no, not him." I heard Sicheng say, making me look up to see....

Hey guys, so sorry for the wait. I am trying to speed this book along to get to it's end because I have a lot of writers block on it. Who do you think Sicheng saw? 👀


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