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Marina's POV:

"W-wait, why would you want to be like me? Isn't being a mermaid suppose to be like..awesome?" He said, confused as to why she would ever want to be human. I sighed deeply before turning away from him a bit, making him confused. "Being a mermaid isn't all fact, my life is horrible. That's why I swam away from home." I said as I moved my tail slightly in the water.

"If you hadn't..I would be..." He hesitated and couldn't even finish his sentence, as she has saved his life just moments ago. "How did you do that anyways.. you know, save me??" He said as he looked towards me, making me look him in the eyes. " were unconcious so I had to blow air into your lungs because you stopped breathing." I said, not knowing how else to explain the situation.

His eyes grew wide as he raised a hand up to touch his mouth slightly. "Y-you mean, your mouth was on mine..." He said, seemingly starting to panic, making her worry. "Uhm yeah, what's wrong??" She said as she grabbed his hand. "I just haven't had my first kiss...does that even count?" He asked innocently and pouted, looking at me for an answer.

"I don't think it does..but wait, really???" I said shocked, making him raise an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" He asked. "How has a really cute boy like you never been kissed?" I blurted out, not realizing what I was saying. He blushed as I put my hands over my mouth to shut myself up.

"Y-you think I'm cute?" He questioned, seeming as if he had never heard those words in his life. I looked him in the eyes, pulling my hands away from my face and finding the confidence to answer his question. "Y-yes, y-you're the most gorgeous creature I have ever laid my eyes on." I said, not sure of how to describe how I felt. He truly was unlike anything I had ever seen, he was so beautiful, and the worst thing was how it seemed like he didn't see himself that way. A small part of me wanted to make him feel that way somehow...I wanted to get to know him, I wanted to be his friend.

"Thank you, no one has ever told me that actually...but instead of creature, you might want to say person, you want me to help you fit in right?" He said, trying to change the subject a little from me complimenting him. "No one's ever told you?" I questioned. He nodded, realizing I wasn't going to let it go. "No, no one ever has-" he started to say before I cut him off, slipping my tail out of the water and scooting even closer to him. "Well you need to be told that more often. Sure I've never really seen a human before but words can't even begin to explain how handsome you are. You're like a prince from stories I use to hear as a kid-" I said, stopping as I looked into his eyes and lost my train of thought as he looked back at me speechless.

Suddenly he snapped out of it and spoke up again. "Are you just trying to flatter me so I help you?" He said, making me sigh as he didn't get that I was serious. "No, I'm not, I'm serious- you know what, we'll just talk about this some other time-" I said as I rolled my eyes before his eyes nearly popped out of his head. I wondered what was wrong as his jaw dropped and he looked terrified. "Sicheng, what's wrong?" I questioned as he continued to look at me. "You-your tail" he stuttered, making me look down only to see my tail was gone and instead they were now legs like Sicheng had. I screamed as I looked at them and wondered what had happened. I began to panic, never having had legs before.

Suddenly he grabbed my arms and made me look at him, making me calm down instantly. "This is a good thing! If you want to be like me this is a necessity, how could you learn to be a human if you have a tail?" He said as he laughed slightly, attempting to lighten the mood with his speech. I smiled at him as he took my hand, helping me up. I stood up nervously as he tried to pull me up but as soon as I completely stood up, my legs turned into jelly, making me fall onto Sicheng, knocking him down as I landed on top of him, my lips inches from his.

We both blushed before I crawled off of him and apologized, he shrugged it off and put out his hand to help me again. "Come on, I know you can do it." He said, making me feel the need to do it just to impress him. I grabbed his hands and tried to stand up once again and finally, I managed to stand but with his help as he continued to hold my hand. "S-sicheng, I'm doing it! I'm standing!!!" I said excitedly as he smiled widely at me. "Yes, you are! Do you think you can stand on your own." He said, not sure if he should let me go or not.

"Umm, maybe. I want to try." I said, wanting to seem confident and really wanting to be able to do it. "Okay, so try it." He said, slowly letting go of my hands. I stood for a moment before my legs grew weak once again and I started to fall but he grabbed me quickly, pulling me into his chest. I blushed as I wrapped my arms around his waist. "Thank you, you're too nice to be like this to a girl you just met." I said in a quiet voice. "You saved my life, now I'm going to help you, but I will have to get to know you a lot better in order to help you. But we shouldn't do this here, you can stay with me at my house." He said, making me surprised.

I gasped and looked up at him. "Really?! I can stay with you?!!!!" I questioned. "Yes but you have to be quiet and my parents or brothers cannot find out that you're there or I will get in huge trouble." He said before I hugged him tightly, surprising him a bit. "Thank you so much." I said as a drop of water left my eye, making me jump back a bit but still held onto him so I wouldn't lose my balance. "Don't cry" he said as he wiped away the water away from my eyes. "What is this, crying?" I asked, not knowing what he was talking about. He laughed slightly before answering. "They're called tears, you cry when you're sad and sometimes when you're happy too." I looked at him in amazement, wanting to learn more as he continued to wipe my tears away.

"Now let's get out of here, my family should be gone by now and we can sneak up to my room but remember, you have to be quiet. You can stay there for a while so I can teach you how to normal just for a little while though. Consider it a thank you for saving my life." He said before taking my hand in his and leading me away to my new life.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Sorry it took me so long to update! I promise the story will get better the more it gets into it.


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