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Marina's POV:

"So I guess we're going back to your place now?" I asked as I held a few bags while Sicheng held the majority of them. "Actually if you wanted to, I was going to see if you wanted to get something to eat, you must be hungry..or can you even eat human food?" He said, confused as ever as we walked down the sidewalk side by side. "Hmm..I think so? I'll try it if you want to go eat Sicheng, I don't mind." I said. He thought about it for a moment before gesturing for me to follow him.

"I know just the place." He said. We walked all the way down almost to the cutoff where the sidewalk ends and goes back towards the ocean. I looked around, enjoying the beautiful scenery, almost getting distracted as I followed behind him until I realized we had made it to a cute little seaside restaurant. I smiled as he opened the door for me, gesturing me ahead of him. The place was very pretty and seemed old but had a certain beauty to it that I couldn't even comprehend. "Ah, Sicheng! It's been a while since I've seen you." I heard someone say as he walked around the corner, making me jump. I stood there awkwardly as he hugged Sicheng while I waited to figure out what to do, not use to this whole restaurant thing.

"Yeah, I've just been busy with school." Sicheng said as he smiled while the guy patted his back. He took Sicheng's bags and sat them behind the small counter before walking over to me. "I didn't even know you had a girlfriend." The old man laughed as he took my bags, putting them with the others. I blushed as Sicheng did the same before denying it. "She's actually just a friend." He said, making my heart sink a bit. "Sure" the guy said as he winked before leading us to a booth at the far end of the restaurant. I sat down across from Sicheng, putting my hands on my knees awkwardly.

"We'll have two waters please and my usual." He ordered as the man wrote everything down. "Got it, nice to meet you by the way young lady, I didn't get your name.." he started to say as he pointed his ink pen at me. "Marina" I answered as I smiled. He started to say something else before someone yelled from the kitchen which lead to him storming off, saying something in Chinese. I laughed as I turned back to Sicheng across from me. "I use to come to this restaurant all the time as a kid and I haven't been here for a while. He knows me and my family really well and he is basically an uncle to me..and sorry for him teasing by the way, he is just crazy like that." He explained before he awkwardly scratched the back of his neck and leaning his elbow onto the table.

"He seems crazy." I laughed, not wanting to address how he had thought I was Sicheng's girlfriend even though deep down I didn't mind the idea, he seemed really sweet, I honestly don't know how he is still single. "You look really nice by the way Marina." He said, making me shy. I tucked my hair behind my ear before speaking. "Thank you Sicheng." "I-uh-I mean I really like the outfit, it looks nice on you..I'm just gonna stop." He said, feeling too awkward, making me laugh at his shyness.

"You're cute." I said, he shyly looked away as he tapped his foot on the ground lightly. "So tell me more about your childhood." I said, trying to change the subject since he seemed awkward and I honestly felt super awkward as well. "Well um..I have a mom and dad who barely acknowledge my existance and two little brothers who always make my life a living hell. Things have always kind of been that way, me on my own, ever since they came along that is. That is why I usually hang out in my room or with my only friend Kun but as you can tell, things are kind of falling apart for me even more." He said, letting out some of his frustrations as he put his hands on the table. I frowned for a moment before reaching out and putting my hand on his, making him finally look up at me.

"It's okay, I'll be your friend from now on, I promise." I said. He sighed before looking away from me but not moving his hand away from mine. "You'll leave like everyone else does. Didn't you say you just wanted to learn how to be human so you could move on and not have to to go back home? Are we even technically friends anyways, I mean we kind of just met today." He said, doubting everything as he panicked slightly. I could tell how frustrated he was due to how his hand shook slightly under mine. "Hey, it's okay, honestly at first I wanted to go but now that I'm getting to know you and see how sweet you are to someone you just met, I don't want to leave you. I want to be your friend." I said, he finally looked back at me and smiled lightly at my words.

"Promise?" He said. "Promise" I said back, smiling at him as he giggled slightly before we heard someone yell beside us. "So you two are dating?! Ha! Congratulations my boy!!" We jumped as we realized the old man was now at our table with the drinks and our food. We both looked away shyly as he placed everything on the table while continuing to congratulate Sicheng. I held in a laugh as he patted his head, making his hair messy before walking away. "Enjoy your food you love birds." He said as he left the two of us to ourselves in the most awkward silence ever.

Hey guys, hope you like this chapter! Thanks for reading! Sorry that this story still hasn't gotten into much action yet. What did you think about the crazy old man? 😂


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