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Marina's POV:

"Umm..what is all this stuff?" I asked him, never having seen this type of food before. "Oh, well this is rice and these are noodles and.." he continued, pointing to the various foods as he explained them. I finally decided it would be easier for me to figure out everything by sitting closer to him so I took that as my chance to get up and sit down next to him in his side of the booth, making him confused as he stopped talking. "Marina, what's wrong?" He said as he raised an eyebrow.

"What can I not sit beside my new friend?" I said, crossing my arms sassily. "I mean..yeah you can, I was just shocked is all." He said, looking away from me. "Aw why?" I asked, wondering why it was so surprising that someone actually wanted to sit beside him. He sighed before speaking. "Well I have always kind of been a loner to be honest, you know that though because I only have one friend..well besides you. No one has ever wanted to sit beside me." He frowned, seemingly not wanting to think of it.

I quickly put my hand on his, sliding my fingers through his as he grew nervous, tensing up a little. "What are you doing?" He asked, not even looking at me. "I'll always sit next to you from now on, I promise." I said in a light voice, making him super shy. He didn't respond though but instead closed his fingers down on mine so we were now holding hands on the table. I smiled at him, speaking up. "So how about we try this food." I suggested. He nodded shyly before grabbing something off the table. I let go of his hand so he could pick everything up and he turned back to me with two sticks in his hand.

I looked at him in confusion as he took my hands, putting them into my hands. "These are called chopsticks, you use them to pick up your food." He said. I raised an eyebrow at him before turning back to the food and stabbing the stick into some of the chicken on the plate. "Like that?" I said, thinking I was right but by the way he laughed I could tell I was way off. "No no, you don't stab it. Here let me show you." He said while grabbing my hand and placing the chopsticks into the right position. But as he showed me how to use them, I couldn't pay attention to a single thing as I stared at him, feeling something in my heart that I had never felt before and I couldn't tell what it was.

Maybe I just wasn't use to having friends that were guys, yeah, I'm sure that's what it was. "And that's how you do it." He said, snapping me out of my thoughts while I quickly looked back at the plate, still having no earthly idea how to use these things. "Now you try it." He said as he smiled at me, such a cute smile that I almost died. I sat up in my seat and got ready to use these chopsticks, wanting to impress him by getting it right but I failed and couldn't even hold them in my hand right. I sighed and gave up. "This is too hard." I threw the chopsticks down onto the table and sighed, putting my hand on my head in frustration.

"Hey, it's okay, I can help you." He gave me a warm smile while he took my hand once again. I paid attention this time as he showed me carefully how to use the chopsticks and I finally started to get the hang of it. "I'm doing it!" I said excitedly, making him laugh and smile at me brightly, continuing to hold my hand. "Well well, if it isn't Sicheng, long time no see my dear friend." A voice suddenly said, making the both of us look up at whoever was talking and pull our hands away from each other.

It was a guy I had never seen before, really tall with brown hair swooped to the side a bit. "Oh hey Lucas." Sicheng said in an unexcited tone. I looked between them confusingly, not knowing what the hell was going on. "I didn't know you had a girlfriend." He said as he gave me a goofy smile, sitting down across from us in the booth. "She's not my girlfriend." Sicheng said. I looked down at the table sadly and took my hand away from his. I could feel Sicheng's gaze on me as Lucas began to talk again. "Oh, well I'm Lucas and I'm single." He said, winking at me as he put his hand across the table to shake mine, I accepted quickly and put my hand back.

"Nice to meet you." I said awkwardly as he stared at me. "What's your name beautiful?" He said in a flirty tone. "Marina" I answered. "That's such a beautiful name, you are certainly one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen-" he kept on until Sicheng cut him off in a jealous tone. "Actually Lucas we're kind of busy right now trying to enjoy our lunch if you don't mind."

Lucas looked to him and sighed while getting up from the booth. "I am here to visit my uncle anyways. Hope to see you around, especially you Marina." He grabbed my hand and kissed it lightly, winking at me and turning to go towards the old man who had brought us our food earlier. "Well he's a bit of a flirt isn't he." I said as I laughed, turning back to Sicheng who looked upset. "Yeah he is, he's also really annoying." He said as he began to eat.

"Sicheng what's wrong? You seem upset." I said, trying to get his attention. He shrugged it off and continued to eat while I decided to try something else. "Please tell me what's wrong." I pouted as I scooted really close to him and began to rub his arm, making him almost choke on his food. "I-i just didn't like that he was being so flirty with you. He's always all up on random girls and it's gross." He frowned. "Are you jealous?" I said, teasing him a bit, making his face heat up. "No, why would I be jealous? We're just friends Marina, I don't even know you very well." He said, making me stop talking all together.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you liked this chapter.

What did you think about Lucas being a character in this story now?

Who's someone you want to see more of during this story?


Riptide 》WinWinOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora