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Marina's POV:

I walked quickly to keep up with him as we made our way to meet up with Kun while he said nothing at all to me. "Sicheng stop." I said suddenly, making him stop in his tracks ahead of me. "What's wrong? Why are you being so cold all of the sudden?" I decided to ask, getting it off my chest as he looked at me. He looked at his shoes as he thought of what to say while I waited. "The truth is, I feel kind of awkward about what happened a bit ago. We kinda almost kissed back there..if my mom hadn't knocked we would have.." he said, not even looking at me.

I didn't see why he would ignore me over such a thing and I was still very much upset at him being so cold over an almost kiss. "Well I'm sorry that the thought of kissing me is that unappealing to you." I said without realizing what I was saying as I stormed past him. "Marina..I'm sorry- I, I didn't mean it that way." He said as he chased after me. The whole scene reminded me of when he seemed repulsed at me being seen as his girlfriend. Before I could get too far, Sicheng grabbed my arm and pulled me into his chest quickly, hugging me.

"You know I didn't mean it that way. I just say things sometimes and they come out a different way than I mean them. I just want to get to know you before you leave one day. You saved my life and I owe you my friendship." He said, friendzoning me but I mean I had just met him yesterday and I was probably just like this since he is letting me stay with him, I always kept that on my mind to get the thought out of my mind. "But to really say sorry, I guess I can give you this." He said before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. I smiled at him and hugged him tightly. "I am honored to be your friend Sicheng." I said but it was mostly muffled by my face being buried in his chest but he somehow heard it anyways. "And I am honored to be your friend Marina." He said as he let go of me slowly.

We realized that Kun was probably already waiting so we needed to hurry as much as we could to get there. "Race you there?" Sicheng said, tilting his head at me. I nodded and with that, the two of us took off running down the sidewalk. I smiled at him before realizing that I had absolutely no idea where I was even running to. "Where are we going?!" I yelled as I ran beside him. "To the pier!" He yelled back and I decided to take that as my moment to dash ahead of him, passing him up and eventually beating him to the pier. "Yes! I won!!" I smiled at him while he walked up to me, trying to catch his breath.

"Your legs seem to be doing a lot better than yesterday." He said. I nodded and went to speak until a voice cut me off. "Sicheng! Hey!!" I looked over to see the boy from yesterday, Kun. I looked behind him and thankfully saw no one which means that his bitchy girlfriend didn't come with him. "Hey, no girlfriend today?" Sicheng said as Kun pulled him in for a quick hug. "No, she is hanging out with some of her friends today. I see you brought the new girl with you though..what was your name again?" Kun said, looking at me in confusion.

"Marina" I smiled at him. He smiled back and nodded. "So you two are like for real dating?" Kun said as we all began to walk down the pier together, the sounds of birds and the rushing waves almost deafening. "Yes, she's my girlfriend." Sicheng said, grabbing my hand unexpectedly but I played it off cooly. "Well I am happy for you bro." He smiled and walked ahead to look out over the rail at the ocean. Kun was a not nicer than expected, I see why Sicheng was friends with him. But what confused me was how this nice guy could have such a complete bitch for a girlfriend. Hell, even his own best friend couldn't stand her.

"Marina, what's wrong?" I heard Sicheng whisper to me as I realized I had tensed up, not wanting to get too close to the ocean. "The ocean..I just..never want to go back there." I frowned. He lifted my chin and made me look into his eyes. I heard Kun talking about something but all I could focus on was Sicheng's gorgeous eyes looking into mine. "I'll protect you." Sicheng said sweetly. He suddenly gave me a look of worry which concerned me. "What's wrong?" I asked as he just looked at me, still ignoring what Kun was saying to him.

"You-your eyes..they flashed blue." He whispered. He looked at me, wondering what that could possibly mean but not being as scared as most people would be since he knew since yesterday that mermaids were in fact real. "I-I'm not really sure what that means..this has never happened before." I said truthfully not knowing what was happening to me. "Now they are completely blue." He said. Suddenly Kun turned to look at us slowly, making Sicheng panic and have to hide my glowing blue eyes from Kun but the only way he could was by kissing me..on the lips.

I blushed deeply as I felt his soft lips pressed against mine. I kissed back as I heard Kun awkwardly cough to the side of us. "Uh..I'll let you two have this moment." He said, feeling very awkward and walking away from the two of us while we continued to kiss. My heart beat out of my chest and I felt sparks. But I guess he didn't feel the same way since he pulled away. "There, now he won't see your eyes. They're back to normal now." He smiled at me while a small blush remained on his face.

He walked over to Kun and left me to myself. I touched my lips and the images of kissing him ran through my mind. But I pushed it away, knowing he would always only be just a friend and this was all for a show.

Hey guys, thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think about the kiss? 👀


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