CH10: Without you

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Could I sleep last night? No.

I decide to skip school since I want to make Yoongi feel the absence of my presence.

I take my father to visit my cousin but mom couldn't come because of work.

"Soo Ji must be excited to see you," dad said as he is driving.

"I bet. I haven't seen her in a while," I reply while looking out the window.

That's honestly all we said throughout the entire ride. Lol.

Soo Ji lives with our grandma since she is sick, so I don't have many opportunities to see her. Soo Ji is my lovely cousin, my lovely best friend, the only family member that I can talk to for hours without getting bored.


"And that's all he did?" Soo Ji exclaims surprised at what I told her about Jungkook.

She knows me like the palm of her hand and she knows that a simple peck doesn't pass me with anything. Not as if I have done so many makeout sessions but from previous experiences that is what I like and what I need. I am so dissappointed that I had to tell her everything. 

"Yeah dude. I was imagining Jungkook to attack me like a beast but I guess I got the wrong idea."

Soo Ji grins as she sips her tea. "Try again. You never know. Next time he might attack you."

I laugh.

"Yeah I think I have been uninterested in him lately," I tell Soo Ji honestly.

"Someone new catching your eye?" She questions me.

I sigh and lean my body back on the chair. We are sitting outside in the sun.

"Someone is making me angry lately,"



"Isn't that normal?"

"No. He is making me angry in a specific kind of way."

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