CH 6 - Heart is a mess

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Hy guys! Thank you for the comments. And, sorry for not updating sooner, but, I'll be more active in this story when I finish Destinations. Anywa, here the chapter, hope you like it! See U soon!

Note: Everything between () it's to describe the scenario and, the bold italics are the thought of the characters, like their internal dialogues, what they're thinking in their minds... I hope it's clear...

Chapter 6 – Heart is a mess

*** AD's narrative (voice over) ***

Hey sweethearts, AD here. And, I have the biggest news ever. Emily is no longer the sweetest girl in town. Don't believe me? See for yourselves...

Alison smiles. - "I can't believe that I got an A- in math!" (She looks at the girl in front of her, and, says) "Thank you..."

Samara. - "You have nothing to thank me. You're smarter than what you give you credits for, you just need to believe more in yourself..."

Alison nods, she knows that the act of a cruel, mean girl is just a cover to overcome her inner insecurities, and, she thought that no one was able to see that cover, but, she realizes that she was wrong again...

Samara looks at the clock in the library and says. - "It's late, we should go..."

Alison nods, and, when they get out the building, they realize that it's raining...

Samara asks. - "Do you want a ride home?"

Alison takes her phone and says. - "Oh, no thanks, I'll just ask my wife, Emily, to pick me up..."

The blonde smiles a lot, just naming Emily as her wife, it makes her happy, and, the other girl who's beside her, she can see that too...

Samara. - "Are you happy with Emily, Ali?"

Things with Emiliy are far to be great, that's what Alison knows, but, even in their worst moments like now, Emily's name brings her hope, happiness... at least for now...

Alison nods. - "We have our issues, but, I love her, I always have, I always will... I think..."

The other blonde nods, it's painful to hear Alison's words, because with all their study sessions, the young Samara is falling for the blonde runaway, once again...

Samara. - "I'm happy for you..."

And, she wasn't lying, all she wishes is Alison to be happy, even if it's not with her...

Alison texts Emily to come pick her up, she smiles when she sees that Emily is replying very soon, even if the brunette is staying in her parents house for now, Alison hopes that Emily will always be there for her, even if they're not sleeping under the same roof, but, she couldn't be more wrong...

Emily's text: 'Sorry, I can't. I'm busy. Take an uber or something else...'

The loyal one is saying 'no', and, the QB can't believe it. Alison facial expression shows her shock and disappointment immediately, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the other blonde...

Samara. - "Something wrong, Ali?"

Alison shakes her head, she hides her pain with a big smile and replies like a robot. - "Everything is fine. You should go. I'll just wait for Em, here..."

Samara. - "I can wait with you, at least till she comes, and..."

Alison cuts her off. - "It's okay, go, I'll be fine..."

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