CH01 - The Dream (re uploaded)

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Hi, so, I'm rewriting this, trying to do a better job. Hope that it's better, and, with less error than before. Anyway, like I told you before, this is a trilogy of 3 books. This is the 1st book, a tragedy which will take place around season 5 of PLL. Starting after episode 10 when the girls, including Emily, turn their back on Alison.

NOTE: Everything in bold italics, it will be an internal dialogue, I mean, like, their thoughts in their mind. And everything between parentheses () it's to describe the scene, the scenario.

So, thanks for reading this again, and, thank you in advance if you have the time to leave a review, thanks! Let me know what you think! See U soon! Have a great day!

Chapter 1 – The Dream

*** Alison's narrative (voice-over) ***
I had a dream... a beautiful dream... a dream where I was in love... a dream where I was loved, I was happy, truly happy... yes... it was a beautiful dream, but, you should know that there is something about dreams ; sooner or later you've to wake up... and in my case, without knowing it, I was lining up for a rough awaking

Emily yells. - "I'm so done with you!"

Hearing those words coming from sweet Emily, it broke something in Alison's heart. Even Emily was turning her back on the Queen Bee? How is that possible? Alison wonders while she sees Emily, walking away, without looking back, and that's it, that's the moment when Alison realized that she was alone... completely alone... and, it's been all her fault...

It has been hours since the brunette left. And, Alison hasn't been able to stop thinking about her. The blonde was lying down in her bed, not able to fall asleep since Emily's words were thundering her mind like a lightning strike, a lightning strike which hit directly her entire soul, through her heart...

I'm so done with you !', those were Emily's words. Is Emily really done? Are they really done? Alison wonders, and, tears take shape in those blue eyes of Alison, blue like the ice, unbreakable like the ice too, till something hit them into the core. And, if there's someone who can break Alison's cold core, that's Emily Fields...

Alison mumbles, with a mix of anger & pain in her voice. - « How she dare to look at me like that ?! To yell at me, like that ! To walk away from me, just like that !»

Disappoinment, the sweet Emily looked at her with so much disappointment that Alison's heart twists in pain, just by recalling the way that Emily looked at her. But, the problem is not the fact that Emily yelled at her, or, that she turned her back on the Queen Bee; the problem is that the thought of losing Emily, it's even more heart-wrenching of what Alison ever imagined...

Alison mumbles when tears fall from her blue eyes - « She's my favorite ! How can she walk away from me ?! How can she leave me alone when I need her?! When I...»

(Noises of someone breaking in, through the window)

Alison sits on the bed and says. – "Who's there?!"

Between the shadows of the night a familiar face appears...

Cece smirks. – "Hey, Ali... did you miss me?"

Alison. – "Cece? What are you doing here? You should be in Paris right now, you..."

Cece cuts her off. – "I came back for you...» (She shrugs) « What can I say ? I can't leave just like that, after all..." (She sits over the bed and says) "Are you not happy to see me?"

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