CH05 - The Beginning of the End

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Hy guys! Thank you for the comments. And, yes, the match of Emily is coming to the scene. In the previous chapter I gave you a hit of who she's with the name of the school. I wonder if you got it, if not, you'll find out here...

Note: Everything between () it's to describe the scenario and, the bold italics are the thought of the characters, like their internal dialogues, what they're thinking in their minds... I hope it's clear...

Chapter 5 – The Beginning of the End

*** AD's narrative (voice over) ***

Unless the rest of you, I don't believe in 'they lived happily ever after...' and one day, Alison will think the same as me. And, what could possibly make Queen Bee abandon her dream? Well, why don't you stay to find it out...?

(In a loft)

Alison smiles. - "I can't believe that my Dad gave us this loft... isn't it amazing, Em?!"

Emily just nods, moving the boxes from one place to another. They just got married a couple of days ago, and now, they're here, in what is meant to be their new home. And, no matter what Emily might or not feel for Alison, she's far to feel happy about the situation that they're living right now...

Alison mumbles with a bitter voice. - "You're not happy..."

Emily. - "Huh...? What? No, no, no, I..."

Alison snaps. - "Please, Emily! It's written all over your face! You're not happy!"

And, the brunette just takes a deep breath because she sucks at hiding her emotions. Alison is right, Emily is not happy, she's stuck in a situation that makes her feel like the worst human being on Earth, and, there's nothing that Alison could say or do to make it better...

Alison mumbles sadly. - "You didn't want to accept this loft, and you didn't want to have a honeymoon..."

Emily. - "It's not like I didn't want to accept this gift from your Dad, Ali..." (Sighs) "He just took me off guard when he gave us the keys of this loft..." (She starts unpacking and says) "And, about the honeymoon, I'm a senior now, Ali, I need to get ready for the S.A.T..."

Alison. - "Fine, let's say that I buy that..."

Emily rolls her eyes

Alison asks. - "Then, tell me, what is your excuse then to not have sex with me?"

Emily avoids eye-contact. She has no excuse for that. Except the fact that she doesn't dare to put a finger on Alison, and, it's not because she doesn't desire it, because, let's be real, Alison is gorgeous, and, having the blonde in her bed every night, it has been a fantasy which one Emily has always dreamed. But, after her affair with Paige? after accepting playing -A's game to deceive Alison? Does she really have any right to put a finger on Alison...?"

Alison snaps angrily. - "I'm still waiting for a reply, Emily!"

The brunette doesn't dare to reply, she stays mute, and, somehow, that makes it even worse...

Alison says with a bitter voice. - "Sometimes I wonder what you ask me to marry you..."

The blonde walks away, leaving the place and Emily gulps hard when she looks at Alison leaving like that...

Emily mumbles. - "Ali..."

The brunette doesn't dare to go after her, she just looks down, she looks at her hand, she looks at her finger, she looks at the golden ring that it's wrapped around her finger, and a wave of rage gets over her. Emily tears apart some boxes till she collapses on the floor, crying. Because this isn't the happy ever after she envisaged...

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