I then start crying and smiling at the same time because I will go back home and see my Dad again, know how it feels to have my freedom back.

I then start looking through my bag and I see an album of photos.

I take out the album and it was nicely decorated and well detailed, it read 'Our Beautiful Memories' in fancy letters.

I open the first page, it had a piece of paper and it said.

"April 29, 2010

Hi Jade I just wanted to say that you are the most beautiful girl I have ever layed eyes on I know I am probably not the best looking guy but I know the feelings I have for you are indescribable and you probably like someone else but I promise you if you accept my proposal then I will stop bothering you.

Will you go on a date with me?"

I read.

I had circled yes and wrote 'I would love to go out with you' then I flipped through the pages and saw pictures.

I saw a picture of me and him and on the bottom it said 'our first date' I was wearing a white floral skater dress with white converse. I had my hair curled and me and Calum were on the hill in sydney and his tall frame was infront of me.

The sun was setting and he was towering over me and handing me a lily as I was smiling and taking the flower. Next to us was a blanket with candles and food.

Then in the corner it read 'photo creds to Ashton' then next to the page was another picture.

In the bottom it read 'Fall Homecoming' I was wearing a peach colored dress my hair was up and Calum pulled me close next to him and I had wrapped my arms around him.

I was smiling big and so was he.

As I kept flipping through the pages I saw how Calum had recorded every moment.

Then I saw a page that said 'The moment that made me fall for you' It was a picture of me in my ballet clothes.

I had a white leotard on and my pointe shoes on and I had makeup on and my hair was perfectly in a bun and I had a flower scrunchie on.

And then a little slip of paper on top of the picture said.

'Once you were done performing I finally got the guts to ask you for a photo....once I saw you up close I was speechless thanks to my Mom who asked the question of taking the picture with you'

Then written on the book with my handwriting and Calum's handwriting it said.

"Forever and always?"

"Forever and always."

I had it clear that Calum loved me, but he bought me why didn't he just ask me on a date and build on our relationship.

But no he had the smartest idea of just buying me like a toy.

I am never going back.

My plane arrives to Australia and I get my luggage and I take Thomas. I go and rent a car and go to my old house.

I arrive and I see that my somebody in the house I leave Thomas with the car on, I knock and it was a lady who was around her fifties and she said.

"Hello Mam how can I help you?"

"I am Jade Walker daughter of Ximena Walker"

"Ahhh my apologies madam how can I serve you?"

"Can you help me bring in my son please"

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