Chapter Nineteen|Soundwave

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"I've done everything I can considering the limitations of my equipment, and less than ideal spare parts", Ratchet says. I wasn't paying attention to what they were saying; I was in my holoform playing with Kathy.

Which of course, brought Ratchet's attention to us after he finished talking with Optimus.

"There is one thing I'm curious about, however", Ratchet murmurs as he walls over to where Kathy and I were playing. "Historia, do you know how Kathy came to be a techno-organic?"

I look up at him before looking at Kathy.

"Kathy, can you tell Mr. Ratchet about the Cybertronian in your dreams?"

Kathy nods and leaps into the explanation she gave me. Ratchet listened with a thoughtful look on his face. Once Kathy finished, Ratchet walked over to the computer and pulled up an image of Alpha Trion.

"Did he looks something like this?" Ratchet asks. Kathy couldn't see that well, so I transformed and set her on my shoulder. She studied the image for a bit.

"Nope!" Kathy exclaims.

"Hmm... so not Alpha Trion..." Ratchet murmurs. I thought for a moment.

"Do we have any pictures of Primus?" I ask.

Ratchet hums thoughtfully before pulling up an image and before it could even fully render, Kathy gasps.

"That's him! That's the mech in my dreams!!" she exclaims.

I smile and Ratchet speaks. "His name is Primus. He is the creator of all our life. In a sense, a god."

Kathy beams. "He told me that with great power, comes great responsibility."

I blink before looking at Ratchet. "Kathy, do you think you could transform for us?"

Kathy nods and I set her down, where she transforms. I pick her up again, and hold her gently. Ratchet frowns as he looks her over.

"I don't understand how a mere sparkling could have a great power. What even is the great power...?" Ratchet murmurs.

"Mr. Ratchet, why are you thinking about Miss Elita?" Kathy asks.

Ratchet freezes. "How did you know I was thinking about her...?"

"I dunno. It just came to my mind", Kathy says. I look at her.

"Kathy, can you tell me what I'm thinking right now?"

Kathy looks thoughtful before a grin breaks out on my face. "You're thinking about how cute and adorable I am!"

I laugh before hugging her gently.

"I was thinking that", I whisper to Kathy. "Because you are so cute and adorable."

Kathy grins. "I know!"

I laugh before looking over at Optimus, who was watching us. I smirk. "What's Optimus thinking right now?"

Kathy looks over at Optimus. She grins. "He's thinking about you are a wonderful mother!"

I blink and Kathy continues. "And I have to agree, Miss Historia. You've been taking care of me really well, almost like a real mother would."

I stare at her in shock, before closing my eyes and hugging her close. "In all honesty, you remind me of myself, little Kathy."

Kathy grins before humming. "Miss Historia, can I have a name similar to yours and the other Autobots?"

I blink before looking at her. "Why do you want a different name?"

Kathy smiles. "My name, Katherine, or Kathy, doesn't quite suit this form. When I'm in my human form, I'll still go by Kathy, but in this form, I want a different one."

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