Chapter Four|Nerd

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I hadn't been gone long when I finally returned back to base. When I returned, it was only Ratchet and the humans left in the base.

"Where'd everyone go?" I ask, my demeanor subdued, my voice not as chipper as it usually was. Ratchet looked at me, concerned, but responded to my question nevertheless.

"Cliffjumper's signal appeared online a few moments ago. They went to go investigate", Ratchet murmurs, before coming towards me. "However, at this present moment, Historia, your current wellbeing is of my main concern."

"I'm fine, Ratchet", I brush him off, even if I knew it to be a bad idea.

"You are not fine. You just about had a breakdown in this very room less than ten minutes ago", Ratchet growls.

"Look, it's not something you can help me with", I snap. "This war, and a few other things, is taking its toll on me, and Arcee just brought up some unwanted memories."

Ratchet looked taken aback but was unable to say anything due to Optimus' voice coming over the main communications hub.

"Ratchet, open the arrival coordinates", he paused for a few moments. "Now!"

Ratchet opens them and soon, all of my teammates came racing back through, a blue explosion following them. Ratchet closed the bridge as soon as Optimus was all the way through, dissipating the blue cloud following close behind them.

"Cutting it a bit close", Ratchet mutters, before changing the topic. "How bout Cliffjumper?"

They all looked down, but before any of them could reply, Miko cut in. "What was that explosion? Was there a fight? Can I come with next time?"

I growled at the same Arcee did but I spoke before Arcee did. "Miko, NOW is not the time!"

She just shot me a glare. "Sure thing, nerd."

Normally that wouldn't have bothered me, but the way she said it. There was so much venom in her voice. I hadn't been called a nerd like that in some time, and it was also bringing up unwanted memories. I shook my head hoping to get rid of those memories, but they wouldn't leave me alone. Just like those... No! I won't think about them. The past is the past, leave it there, Historia! I was having an internal battle that eventually led to me losing. I could feel my walls start to crack and I instantly went to elevator that would take me to the roof. I saw several worried optics looking in my direction but I ignored all of them.

As soon as I was on the roof, I went to edge, looking at the sunset. I always loved sunsets. I'm not sure why but they filled me with joy.

It wasn't long before I felt another presence with me on the roof. I looked to see Optimus, and I tensed. My internal voice started speaking.

Oh, ho, ho... a sunset on the roof of the building. Could it get more romantic...?

Shut up! He's my commanding officer. I can't think of him that way. That and I was scared of the same thing happening twice. I won't make the same mistake again.

It was only until Optimus rested a servo on my shoulder that I realized he was trying to talk to me.

"Historia, are you alright?" he asked. I frowned and looked at the sunset, not wanting to talk about it. Optimus sighs before using one of his servos to make me look at him. It caught me by surprise and made me nearly fall off the plateau. I would have fallen if Optimus hadn't caught me by my waist, and pulled me close to him. I froze, my mind racing, and my spark beating faster, as well as my cooling fans rushing to turn on.

My internal voice was squealing with excitement.

"Historia, are you alright?" Optimus asks, concern more evident in his optics and in his voice.

"Uh.... yeah! Yep, I'm alright!" I quickly wriggled my way out of his grip, and headed to the elevator. "I was just tired, and I have school tomorrow so-"

"Tomorrow's Saturday", Optimus interrupts me. I blink before fake glaring at him.

"Whatever! I'm still tired, so I'm still going to go to get some recharge!"

As soon as I entered the elevator, I let out a sigh of relief. Trying to shove away my feelings for Optimus was going to be harder than I thought, especially if things like that happened again. However, as soon as I exited the elevator, there was a certain medic waiting for me.

"You're either talking to me or Optimus, take your pick", Ratchet growls. I glared at him.

"How bout neither? It's my past, I choose to share it with whomever I wish", I growled. Ratchet was about to argue but something changed his mind, because he sighed and let me pass.

I quickly rushed to my berthroom, and tried to shove away the feelings for Optimus.

"Historia, come on. We've had this talk before. He's your commanding officer. You can't have feelings for him... you gotta lock those feelings up to protect yourself, and throw away the key", I muttered to myself as I paced around, only pausing when there a hesitant knock on the door. I opened it to see Arcee.

"Oh. Hey, Arcee", I say softly.

"Hey, Historia. I just... I wanted to apologize for pushing you like that earlier... I had no right to do that. I'm sorry", Arcee murmurs.

I smile. "Hey, it's alright. You were curious, and sometimes curiousity makes us try to find things others aren't willing for us to know."

Arcee chuckles. "Yeah. Anyway, goodnight. I need to go take Jack home; Optimus assigned me as his guardian."

I smile softly. As she goes to leave, I stop her with a question. "Hey, Arcee...? Have... Have you ever liked someone you know you shouldn't?"

Arcee smiles softly, and sadly. "Yeah. I have." After she spoke those words, it was just me and my thoughts about Optimus.

I groaned as I turned around. "Is there going to be anyway to get rid of these feelings for him...?"

"Feelings for who?" a familiar voice asks, one that startled me. I turned back towards the door, to see Optimus standing there.

"Uh... No one! No one at all! Nothing you need to worry about, Optimus", I give a fake smile, but the Prime didn't seem appeased, but he didn't push it either. He just stood there, his optics staring into mine, until I got uncomfortable.

"Is there something you needed?" I ask, looking away. I hear him take a few steps closer and he uses his servo to lift my face up to look at him. He still says nothing. I tensed, but didn't move away, mainly because I had nowhere I could move to. I could step away, but I didn't particularly want to... So I was stuck, staring into the optics of the very mech I had started to develop feelings for.

We stood there for a few moments, before he moved his servo and left rather quickly. All I could do was stand there, confusion written all over my face.

What just happened?

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