Chapter Seventeen|Leaving

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It's been a week and I've avoided talking to Optimus unless it is strictly Autobot business. He's tried to talk to me, but I've always escaped by going to talk to Aquablade or Arcee.

During that week, Bumblebee had lost and recovered his t-cog, and Wheeljack had returned only to leave to explore this planet.

Currently, I was in base. It was only me and Ratchet at the moment, Optimus was doing some recon, and then other three bots had gone to pick up the humans.

"Historia, Optimus requires back-up", Ratchet says. I frown before walking over to Ratchet.

"Where at?" I ask.

"He's a few miles outside of base", Ratchet says. "You should be able to to drive there."

I sigh. "Alright."

I transform and drive out of base, knowing I'll most likely end up regretting this.

I soon fond Optimus, and he was alone. Why did Ratchet say he needed backup?

Optimus turns to see me coming and I transform and walk over to him.

"Ratchet said you needed backup. Yet, I see no reason for you to need backup", I say coldly. Optimus smiles hesitantly.

"I asked him to find some way to help me get you alone. Because, Historia, I desperately need to talk to you", he says. I frown and take a few steps away.

"Yeah, well I don't need to talk to you so..." I go to leave but Optimus grabs onto my wrist. I look back at him before growling. "Let. go."

He simply shakes his and pulls me closer to him. I frown and push him away. I free my wrist from his grasp and transform, driving back towards base.

I enter base and glare at Ratchet.

"Ratchet, never lie to me again", I growl. He looks at me and his optics widen before he nods. I frown and go to my room, twirling a dagger between my digits. I sigh softly.

"I really should let you talk me, Optimus... but... I am afraid... I am afraid to let you in... because I don't want to be hurt again..."

I hear a small sigh come from my door.

"I would never hurt you, Historia", Optimus murmurs. I sit up in shock.

"What are you doing here?" I snarl.

"Please... just let me talk to you", he whispers. I shake my head.

"No", I whisper, but I knew my resolve was failing.

"Historia, please", he says, using puppy dog eyes. I only glare at him.

"Get. Out", I growl before adding a quiet, "please..."

Optimus sighs before nodding. I looked around here before suddenly feeling confined. I couldn't stay here. I... I didn't know who I was at the moment. I sigh before exiting my room. I quickly go to the main room, where I find Ratchet working, with no one else in the room.

"Ratchet", I murmur. "Can you make something for me?"

"Depends on what it is." That was Ratchet's immediate response.

"It's a signal blocker. I... I can't stay here... not while... not while I'm... trying to keep my sanity together. I need to get away for a while but I don't want anyone to be able to track me. Not even you", I whisper. Ratchet's optics soften.

"This has something to do with Optimus, doesn't it?" he asks.

I smile sadly. "Maybe just a little."

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