Chapter Twelve|The Past

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I was looking around for anything I could steal, though I acted just like a customer walking through the market. I was a young Cybertronian, and some bots looked at me curiously, though none stopped by to talk to me.

After a while, I spotted some energon that I could easily grab. I stood at the next booth, pretending to admire whatever stuff this guy was selling. I grinned when I saw no one looking at the energon, and I quickly snatched it and ran off. However, I was not so lucky.

Why? Because he saw me. And brought his friends along. My tormenter.


I squeaked as I was grabbed by my shoulder, and thrown backwards, dropping the energon.

D-16 laughed. "You are really an idiot. Did you not see us watching you at the market? You should really be more careful."

"L-leave me a-alone", I stuttered. D-16 only laughed.

"Leave you alone? No. I aught to teach you a lesson. Teach you not to steal", D-16 growls.

"Y-you don't u-understand!!" I exclaim, still stuttering. "I-I n-need to st-steal in order t-to s-survive!!"

D-16 laughed. "Ha! You have to survive?! That's funny. You see, little one, I'm a miner. I find a way to earn my energon. You could do the same, and earn it." He pauses for a minute, before a sadistic grin covers his face. "Oh wait... I forgot... no one wants to hire a little cretin like yourself."

I growl and try to escape, but he grabs onto my arm. "Not so fast, little cretin. I still haven't taught you a lesson..."

I looked around wide optics as his friends formed a circle around us, ensuring I couldn't escape. I gasp as I get thrown backwards from the force of a punch to my midriff.

I stood up shakily and said, "I c-can d-do this all d-day."

"Oh, can you?" D-16 sneered. "Yeah, right. You barely survived the other times. Maybe I should just put you out of your misery."

"I'm not miserable. I have friends that care for me, unlike you!" I shout, stutter disappearing from my voice.

"Oh? Friends? I didn't realize the little cretin had friends", D-16 growls, getting really close to my face. I growled and punch him in the face, sending him stumbling back a few paces.

"Where'd you learn how to punch like that?!" D-16 growls.

I smirk. "My friends taught me. So that I could protect myself from the likes of you."

D-16 growls and charges at me. My optics widen once again, and I brace myself, squeezing my optics shut. However, the force of D-16 never hit me. Instead, I heard a crash, and a groan.

I open my optics and my eyes widen when I see my closest friend, Aquablade. D-16 growls when he sees her.

"Aquablade, what are you doing?" he asks.

"Protecting my best friend from you, D-16", Aquablade spat. D-16 growls and storms off. Aquablade then turns to me.

"You know you don't have to steal. I'm completely willing to share my energon with you", she says. I look down at the ground, not wanting meet her sea-green optics.

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