Chapter Three|Secrets

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I grinned as the final bell rang. "Dobby is freeeeeee!!!!!"

Other students looked at me strangely but I only laughed. If only they knew just how different I was from them. I quickly spotted Rafael and Jack talking, and I put up my business face.

"Jack, Rafael", I spoke as I approached them.

"Who are you?" Rafael asks, nervousness. "Your voice sounds familiar."

"My name is Historia", I say softly.

Rafael's eyes widen before he tugs on Jack's sleeve. "Wasn't one of the robots from last night called Historia...?"

I grin, my business expression disappearing. "Yep, that's me! But, shh... keep it a secret. Oh, by the way, my commanding officer wants to talk to you. I can give you guys a ride to base if you would like."

Rafael was all for it, but Jack was a little hesitant. "How can we be sure we can trust you...?" he asks. I shoot him a grin.

"I've gone to school with you for most of this year yes? We just want to protect humankind from facing the wrath of our war, but Optimus Prime fears that since you've been seen with us, you could be in grave danger", I say, my voice going solemn as I spoke.

Jack sighs, before shaking his head. "I'm sorry, I just... I can't. I have other things I need to focus on, and giant talking robots are not one of them."

"Giant talking robots?" a new voice pipes. I look around to see the new foreign exchange girl, Miko. I groaned.

"Great, now there's more humans...", I mumbled before looking at all of them. "Alright, all three of you are coming with me now. If you want to leave afterwards, you can, but Optimus Prime must inform you of the situation."

Jack sighs but follows me to my alt mode. They all stare at it in speculation, especially Jack and Rafael, evidently recognizing the green paint. They give me glances, trying to be subtle but I still noticed.

I ignore them though and gesture to my alt form. "Well? We don't have all day."

Miko and Raf climb into the backseat, while Jack very hesitantly climbs into the passenger seat. Still feels weird... I quickly shake it off, before hopping into my alt mode.

"Okay, guys, don't freak out", I say.

"About what?" Miko pipes up. My holoform disappears, and they all stared at where it was once sitting in surprise. Especially when my engine starts, seemingly all on its own.

"Woah!" Miko exclaims. I laugh, the sound echoing around my interior.

"Sorry if I scared any of you. I'm not trying to, and I'm taking it much slower than the other bots would have, especially Arcee. Anyway... let's get this show on the road!"

I quickly drive out of the parking lot, minding the speed limit. Slightly. I may have driven a couple miles over, excited to get these unfamiliar and strange weights off of my interior.

Soon we came to the plateau in which hid our base, named Autobot Outpost Omega one. I have no idea why Optimus decided it needed a name, it's literally the only Autobot base in this section of the galaxy.

The humans slightly freaked out when I went driving offroad towards the side of the moment, not knowing that it was a hidden base. They probably had no idea it even existed until this moment.

As they all hopped out of my interior, I let out a quiet sigh of relief, and transformed.

"Oh thank goodness I can finally transform! I may love going to school, but I hate being stuck in my alternate mode all day!" I was stretching, not noticing the strange looks my teammates were giving me, nor the amused ones from the humans, even if they didn't fully understand.

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