Once he took me to a room upstairs I completely let go and dropped to my knees as I cried into my bloody hands.

Keith knelt down beside me and hugged me while rubbing my back in an attempt to sooth my pain.

"I-I can't lose anyone else Keith I-I-" Keith quickly interrupted me. "You won't. Jacob is a strong kid who keeps to his word. He said he wouldn't leave you and he won't." I nod my head and we sit there in a comfortable silence with a few sniffles from me every few minutes.

The door bursts open and a sense of panic washed over me. I thought it was happening again but it was only Emilio.

"What happened? Where's Jacob?" He asked and we sat there for a moment before Keith finally spoke "He's with doc, he got shot in the abdomen, when Emily found him he was bleeding out."

"Why was Emily out of the closet in the first place?" Emilio asked and I rolled my eyes.

"That doesn't matter! What matters is Jacob is fighting for his life right now, and it's probably because of me!"

Keith and Emilio both frown at me. "He could've been trying to protect me from that giant!"

I walk over to the bed in the middle of the room and sit down. We all sit there in silence as we wait for someone to break it.

Emilio sighed before rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm gonna find whoever shot Jacob rip their ducking head off.." he mumbled.

"Nope. You're not, that's my job." I said angrily "I'm gonna make them suffer just like he did but ten times worse." I seethe.

"Emi.." Keith said carefully as he slowly walked towards me. "That's not a road you want to go down. Revenge won't satisfy your anger, trust me I know."

I shook my head "I don't care. I'm gonna kill the fucker that touched my bean."

"Okay I cant take you seriously when you use words like bean." Emilio said and I glared at him.

"Wait wasn't that dress guy supposed to come today to take her measurements?" Keith asked facing Emilio. His eyes widen and he take shows phone out fast and walks out of the room.

I stare down at my bloody hands sadly. Over the past couple weeks Jacob and I got incredibly close. Every time I got sad about being there Jacob would come to the rescue and make my day brighter, he always knew when my mood was down, almost as if he had spidey senses when it came to my emotions or something. We had so many special moments over the the couple weeks that I'd been here and I really want to make more, Jacob is like the brother that my brother was supposed to be.

"Come on, let's go wash up..." Keith spoke as he held his hand out for me to grab. We walked into the bathroom and washed off the blood from our arms and hands with warm water and soap. A sigh left my mouth as I watched the crimson water flow into the drain.

"You hungry?" Keith asks. I look up at him and shake my head "No thanks, I'm good."

"Maybe you should rest, you've had an... eventful day" Keith said as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Understatement.." I mumble before nodding my head. "I probably should rest."

We walk back into the room and Keith walks into the closet and walks out with a large white T-shirt and black basketball shorts. "You can go ahead and change into these, I'll wait for you out here."

I grab the clothes and thank him before going inside the closet and start changing. The shirt was like a short dress on me and the shorts were like pants, I had to tie them around my waist extremely tight so they'd stop falling.

I walked out of the closet and Keith sent me a smile of reassurance and I sent him one back. I laid down on the bed and Keith began to walk out.

The thought of having to wake up alone from a night terror didn't sound fun, but asking Keith to stay would also be kind of embarrassing, I mean I guess the worst he could say is no, then again that's what I'm afraid of... fuck it.

"Keith" I call out and he turns around. "Yeah?"

"C-Can you stay?.. I don't wanna be alone.." My gaze shifts from him to the wall, to the comforter, back to the wall and back to him.

"Yeah" He says in a 'duh' tone. "If I said no Jacob would kick my ass" Keith says as he makes his way to the other side of the bed making me giggle.

Keith lays down on his back and pats his chest for me to lay my head down and I do just that. I'm sure without the soothing sound of his heartbeat and him running his fingers through my hair, I wouldn't have been able to fall asleep.

Right as I began to dose off I heard a quiet "Sweet dreams Princess..."

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