still stuck in some sort of muted reality, kris finally registered what he'd said and looked up, mouth open. regret started to force it's way into her throat. but, frozen in place, kris stood there until she was alone, realizing how much of an idiot she'd been. what would jacob come to her requesting she do?

a metallic taste forming in her mouth, kris crumpled the paper into a ball and threw it away. she didn't want to read another word.


after the possible ending of that brief partnership, kris felt paranoia like never before.

it wasn't as if the feeling was alien to her. but now that she had people to lose, people who cared about her as much as she cared for them, that made jacob truly threatening.

things finally began to fall into place that hadn't for her before. she understood the fear.

one particular day, not very long after the information had been given to kris, she and louis spent the day outside their home. still in the glazed sense of seeing nothing but the other. it was almost too soon when kris closed the door of her room softly behind her, still smiling brightly after saying goodnight to louis.

she turned around to suddenly see jacob, standing at the foot of her bed. in the few seconds it took her to comprehend that he was right there and that she needed to run, he was already there, grabbing her and pulling her away from the door. beginning to panic, she held open her hands in front of her, trying to keep her body from shaking.

jacob held his hands up. “i’m not interested in hurting you, i just want to talk.”

kris didn’t move, didn’t say a word.

he raised one eyebrow, amused. “come on, i just want to talk. you have my permission that if i do anything to you that makes you uncomfortable to mutilate me.”

kris wanted to right then. she didn't want to do a single thing he commanded, she understood how easily he could manipulate a person. but, after hesitating, kris lowered her hands, still not speaking, and nodded.

jacob smiled. “thank you. now, how are you and louis doing?”

“fine.” she answered, no emotion coming through her voice.

“i was just curious, you know, we haven’t really had a guy-to-guy chat like we used to have. so i figured that since we’re no longer in contact, i could just talk to you instead.”

kris curled her toes up in her shoes. she felt like if she moved, everything around her was too fragile and would shatter. she could only stand and manage the smallest of responses.

“so, i have a proposal for you. sort of.” the gears working in his mind were visible on his face. “how would you like to work with me for a bit? nothing really serious or big-“

“no.” kris cut him off, clenching her right fist. “no.”

jacob’s face darkened slightly. then, he continued like nothing had happened at all. “of course, there’d be some requirements. obviously, your boyfriend can’t know, or, frankly, anyone outside of us. and, of course, you promised you'd do something for me in return for that information.”

“i’m not going to go behind my friends’ backs for anyone, least of all you.”

jacob meandered a few steps closer, menacingly enough. kris stepped back until she was just inches from being pinned against the wall.

“kris, i am really, really trying to be friendly.” jacob spoke each word softly and calmly, which made it much more terrifying than if he’d just lost his temper. she could see the unattended anger growing behind his eyes. “if you’re not going to listen to what i have to say, listen to it like this- either you do what i say like you promised, or there’s not going to be enough clean skin left on louis for you to be able to recognize him.”

kris felt very, very small. she could feel her lungs pushing against her rib-cage with every intake of breath.

“now, we’re all friends of your boyfriend here, so we don’t want that, do we?” jacob asked, smiling. "what do you think?”

kris trembled slightly. she wanted so badly to get rid of him for once and for all. but it would make her no better than him. and louis couldn’t get hurt. he couldn’t.

with a defeated sigh, kris refused to look up from the ground. “alright.”

she could hear the smile in jacob’s voice. “great. i’ll pick you up tonight.”


this chapter is so bAD IM TRASH

idk i didn't want to face my reality tonight and i wanted to update but i'm so tired all the time and i could've done this chapter so much better i juts don't know how :///


date- september 25, 2014 (10:48pm ghfg)

words- 1356

reads- 2,923

comments- 14

votes- 33

edited- not even a little sorry sorry

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